Top Rated Probiotic Health Benefits Exposed

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( — March 20, 2014) Bend, Oregon — In’s newest video they discuss why taking probiotics is beneficial for people’s health and what individual’s should look for to find the most effective supplements. First, they explain that inside everyone there are both good (probiotics) and bad bacteria. However, they describe current lifestyle and environmental factors that are causing a probiotics deficiency and are causing many health concerns. Specific strains each have their own unique benefits to improve overall health. For example some strains boost the immune system and accelerate fat loss while seeveral even treat a specific condition. In particular, certain strains have been found to be the best probiotics for ibs (irritable bowel syndrome) or candida. Despite being able to get some benefits through specific foods experts recommend taking a supplement to ensure it provides the exact strains a person is looking for.

The global probiotics market size was valued at USD 48.88 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 94.48 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period. informs viewers to carefully look at nutrition labels to confirm that the supplement delivers plenty of beneficial good bacteria. Make sure the probiotic capsules contain ample amounts of Bacillus Subtilis, Lactobacillus salivarius, and Saccharomyces boulardii. With over one hundred trillion living bacteria in the body unless the probiotic offers over two billion CFU’s of each strain it’s virtually useless. More specifically, these three strains are very unique and while they can often be found individually in certain probiotic yogurt brands it is very uncommon for them to be found together. Additionally, when considering these supplements only buy ones that contain the super nutrient Actazin because of its powerful ability to make probiotics more effective. More of a side note than anything they want to want of some supplements manufactured for targeted demographics like infants and dogs. For instance Biogaia probiotic drops are made specifically for babies and would not provide adequate CFU’s for an adult looking to benefit.  

Health Nutrition News also recommends making sure the supplement guarantees the probiotics will arrive in the gut alive. Due to current and common practices in the industry many probiotic strains are useless and dead when they arrive in the stomach. Truthfully, because of the power of stomach acids many probiotics are killed before even getting to the digestive tract. Other damaging factors to many supplements are light, air, and oxygen causing a loss in potency and ultimately results in them being completely ineffective by the time consumers use it. In concluding their video stresses the importance of making sure the specific strains mentioned earlier are all included to be considered a top probiotic supplement. 

Watch their entire review at Top Rated Probiotic Health Benefits

As a bonus Health Nutrition News has made available a free e-book on the top probiotic rich food and all the benefits of using a top rated supplement. It is available here: