The New Industrial Revolution: Electrospinning and Nano-Materials

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( — January 11, 2019) — The huge potential for the application of nano-materials across a wide range of sectors is leading to a rise in the research and development of these materials and how they are produced.

The process of electrospinning for fibres and electrospraying for particles is how nano-materials can be fabricated, and is replacing other traditional techniques such as spray-drying across many industrial, medicinal and other sectors.

So how does electrospinning work?

Electrospinning is a method which involved using electrical force to pull charged threads of polymer melts or solutions as means of fiber production. It is similar in some respects to the traditional methods like electrospraying and conventional solution dry spinning of fibers.

However unlike those processes, it does not require high temperatures or coagulation chemistry  for successful production.

With the right equipment in place, the process is relatively simple. A solution is prepared of polymers, solvents and other functional components, and molecular chain entanglement is allowed to take place.

The electrospinning part of the process is when the solution is fed through capillaries and high voltage electricity applied. This forms a jet which is stretched and whipped into fibers, while the solvents evaporate.

The dry fiber is collected, and then can be formed into a membrane, material or whatever form is required depending on the intended purpose.

Scientifically, the theory for all electrospinning is the same. But of course with the varied purposes and environments in which the work is carried out, means that the equipment used needs to be adapted accordingly.

What are the benefits of electrospun nano-materials?

There are many beneficial attributes to nanofiber materials. At a molecular level the finish is almost defect free, and importantly has a high surface area to volume ratio.

This makes it perfect for material that is required for a high degree of physical contact. It also means that the electrospun material should be approaching maximum strength, and so application in mechanical performance with composite materials is entirely possible.  

The materials that can be used in electrospinning vary a lot. Not only can polymers be used, but also metals and ceramics. These materials can easily be mixed together for specific properties to be produced.

Of course one of the key benefits is the low cost of set up, despite being highly technical. Compared with other industrial processes, that investment needed is very low.

It is is highly scalable for mass production of nanofibrous membranes, and there are several companies already doing this. To set up an electrospinning company is relatively simple, as someone with a basic understanding in electrostatic can learn the ropes very very quickly.

How can the technique and materials be used in real life?

The possibilities are endless, all it requires is innovation and imagination. Currently applications include, but are not limited to, for example air filtration systems. In this field the use of nano fibers is well established, but now with electrospinning is far more efficient to produce. The resulting materials are perfect for removing unwanted particles from the air. Similarly for air filtration in clothing, the properties of nano-materials are perfect for producing breathable clothing, and even protective clothing.

Not just this, in the medical field we are seeing electrospinning used to produce protective barriers for organs ,and artificial skin grafts. The nanomaterial can successfully bond with living tissue. It is also great for medical dressings, and in the pharmaceutical industry for producing protective covers for medicine.

There really is no limit to future applications, and there will no doubt be many further advances as a result of this process being available. From biomedical implants, to drug delivery systems, from functional textiles to cosmetics, it really is the way forward in material production.