Reasons for Dental Bone Graft – Info and More

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( — September 19, 2019) — A missing tooth may seem like a small problem at first, especially if you don’t notice it’s gone. However, there are several functional reasons to replace a missing tooth, even if It doesn’t seem to impact the appearance of your smile. Whenever a tooth is missing for any reason, the jawbone starts to become resorbed since there’s no tooth present to stimulate growth. And that’s where dental bone grafting comes in. Here are some of the reasons for dental bone graft.

Reasons for Dental Bone Graft

This article outlines some of the reasons why people may need bone grafting. It focuses on the cosmetic as well as functional purposes of dental bone grafting and how technology has made it easy to stimulate jawbone growth again.

Missing Tooth

Whether a tooth is missing because it was accidentally knocked out or due to an extraction, bone grafting is likely needed. Over time, there are high chances the jawbone will slowly deteriorate if it doesn’t have a tooth to support. This makes it difficult to receive different dental implants. Bone grafting can prevent and restore jawbone loss, strengthening the area where there’s a missing tooth and giving patients more options when it comes to replacing the tooth.

Periodontal Disease

Also referred to as gum disease, periodontal disease can weaken the jawbone and cause teeth to weaken. Fortunately, periodontal disease can be reversed or treated, and bone grafting is available to restore the foundation for strong teeth. Whenever a tooth becomes loose, one of the first things patients consider is a dental implant. However, if a patient has had periodontal disease for an extended time period, they may have to do some bone grafting to strengthen the bone to support implants.

Teeth Misalignment

Misaligned teeth can also cause bone loss over time. When teeth are out of place completely, or they over-erupt, bone stimulation can gradually decrease if the teeth don’t become aligned. There are various ways to strengthen teeth, and plenty of benefits to doing so. However, a patient may still need bone grafting to ensure there’s enough support for the teeth once they’re properly aligned.

Provide Support for Dental Implants

One of the main reason’s patients need bone grafting is to provide the best support for dental implants. A missing tooth, misaligned teeth and periodontal diseases could eventually lead to the need for implants. However, implants may not even be possible unless the supporting bone is strong enough. With the technology that’s available today, bone grafting can replace the bone even if it’s been missing for a significant time period. Once the supporting structure is restored, a patient can receive dental implants and enjoy better dental health.

Bottom Line

Those are the main reasons for dental bone graft. It’s obvious that bone grafting procedures help to promote overall good oral health. If you’re experiencing any of the reasons for a grafting procedure, it’s important to visit an experienced dentist as soon as possible.