Does Sticker Work as a Marketing Strategy?

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( — November 21, 2019) — Stay calm. This is not a doubt. We asked a rhetorical question and of course the answer is yes!

By the way, one of the best ways to do marketing is through stickers. The cost is very low and the possibility of propagating your brand organically is immense. That is, people sticking around with your brand can generate reach, authority, loyalty and long-term sales. But of course it’s not simply making a sticker with your logo and you’re done. We will discuss in this article how to market using stickers.

We’ve separated 4 really cool tips on how to make your sticker marketing strategy take over the world.

Check it out:

1- Set a goal

It is the first step to any marketing strategy. You need to know where you want to go in order to be able to set goals and, after the action is taken, to be able to measure results. Why are you investing in marketing? To sell more? To educate your market? To engage leads?

Why are you making stickers? To promote a new product? Build customer loyalty? To create a physical call to action and encourage potential customers to contact the company? To make your mark known?

Answer these two questions, thus defining what you expect from this action.

2- Know your audience

Don’t start any marketing strategy without knowing your persona.

Persona is the fictional representation of who your ideal customer is. It is based on actual data on your customer’s behavior and characteristics. Do not confuse with audience, which is a comprehensive portion of society to whom you sell your products or services. (Ex. Single Women 20-40 years old)

Already the persona represents its client in a more humane and personalized way. (Ex. Kimberly is single, studies and works out all day. She looks for comfort and practicality. She likes rock music, backpacking and reading poems.)

The more you customize your persona, the more you can achieve it in your marketing strategy, being able to speak the language of your ideal client and not just in a general and superficial way. But do not worry. You do not need to have just one persona for your business. We recommend creating 3, 4 personas depending on scope. However, when creating a campaign / action, be sure to speak directly to a specific persona.

3- Types of stickers

After setting your goal and your persona, it’s time to decide what kind of sticker you will make. And note that we are not talking about material and design yet, but the purpose of the sticker itself.

We highlight 3 types:

Informative sticker:

Used to emphasize certain information of a product. You can put it in the packaging, or in the shop window. On the sticker you can highlight the value of the product, or some promotion and extra information.

Brand Promotional Stickers:

By making a really cool sticker with your company’s brand, event, cause, you can promote this brand in several places: car, notebook, notebook, etc. The stickers used in this way are a great method of drawing attention to your brand in a natural, relevant way and keeping your business visible. You can distribute them along with the product sold, or in your own company.

Stickers as gift:

Stickers are ideal for promoting your brand at events. An excellent way to strengthen your relationship with a potential persona is by distributing stickers at events. It’s a way to expose your brand subtly. Who does not like to receive gifts, is not it? But pay close attention to whether you will distribute these stickers to your persona (focus on the persona, always!).

4- See the Reddit case for inspiration

Reddit is a social network is a community of forums where users can vote for content. The network has more than 67 million unique visitors per month who use the tool and engage in online forum discussions.

” 500 dollars. To date, it is the sum total of the money that was spent advertising Reddit. Five hundred dollars, and every dollar spent on stickers. Yes, stickers: the best investment I ever made. I used to travel a lot around the country (thank you, bus from Chinatown), and everywhere I went I took stickers with me. I put them on signs, posts and even other ads. ”

Run for the hug!

Have you defined your goal, your persona and what kind of sticker you want to make? Did you read and enjoy the case of Reddit? Congratulations!

Now, are you ready to use stickers for promotion? Custom sticker producer StickerYou recently opened the world’s largest sticker store in Toronto, Canada.