The Explanations of Home Care for Patients With Coronavirus

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( — March 23, 2020) — The Covid-19, usually known as the corona virus, is one of the most trending issues around the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the Covid-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The Covid-19 virus has been simply transmitted mainly through the saliva droplets and discharge from the nose of an infected person.

There are lots of  ineffective information leaves people in fear and panic, the people must remain quite well-informed about this Corona virus, the resultant disease, its transmission, and the measures of prevention. The announcement of the Covid-19 outbreak as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) has seen ample amount of nations around the world adjusting their daily activities. The Corona virus is nowadays spreading a lot and that is why proper care should be taken.

Spread the awareness

The actual avoidance of social crowding and ensuring health hygiene are quite essential preventive measures in fighting the spread of the Covid-19 virus. In fact, the health experts and medical team are continuously saying that if someone is having the symptoms like sore ache, fever, headache, cough, then they should remain quarantined and then definitely consult a doctor. People also need to avoid public crowds and ensure social distance from individuals with symptoms of the disease. Proper home care would help you to stay safe at this most difficult time. One of the finest ways to stop and then mitigate the spread of the Covid-19 virus is by getting useful information. 

Stay safe and follow the rules

The fight against the Covid-19 is a social responsibility. Various kinds of organizations, institutions, state departments and also the individuals are now fighting in collaboration to address the pandemic. In fact, the entire medical teams are requesting people to support them by following the rules.

It is the serious responsibility of each and every person across the globe to adhere to the significant measures outlined by the WHO in the fight against the spread of the corona virus pandemic. There are no such proper treatments or vaccines for the Covid-19 virus.

In fact, there are ample scientists and researchers there who are conducting clinical trials in their efforts to provide reliable treatments for the disease. They are serving the globe by their tireless effort and ultimate dedication. The aged people and those living with medical problems are highly vulnerable to the disease. Though, the aged people should take the most care during this pandemic but the young ones or even the children also should be in their homes at least for the time being. This is how you can fight against this difficult situation.

How Does Covid-19 Spread

A) People to people contact:

Corona virus is simply believed to spread from one person to another. This normally spreads between people who are in close contact (6 feet or lesser) with each other. When this infected person sneezes, actually the respiratory droplets produced enter the noses or mouths of nearby people and they can also get inhaled into the lungs.

There are lots of people who are actually at the sickest level, which means people who are facing these symptoms are actually thought to be quite contagious. Although this might also be possible for people to be contagious before they show any symptoms.

B) Contact with contaminated objects or surfaces:

As per the reports of each and every medical experts and doctors when you have these kinds of symptoms, without delaying, that person should get quarantined. And if the symptoms are massive, then the first thing they should do is to consult with the doctors. As a matter of fact, that person cannot go to the contact with any other people. This might be quite possible that an individual can get COVID-19 if he/she touches the contaminated surface or object, which has the virus on this and then touches their own mouth or nose or eyes as well. Although this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. Moreover, each and every individual around this globe has to ensure that they simply lockdown themselves for a certain period like 10 days and they do not go to the contact with any other people.

Important steps to protect yourself

Wash and clean your hands often 

The very first and foremost things that everyone needs to do is to wash their hands with the soap and water or any kind of hand rub or hand wash for at least 25 seconds after you have been in any kind of public place. Not just public place, you will also have to wash your hands well after sneezing, coughing and blowing the nose. If the hand wash or soap is not available readily, you might utilize the hand sanitizer, which has almost 60% of strong alcohol. Basically, using the best hand sanitizer is quite important. And always remember that do not touch the mouth, eyes and nose with the unwashed hands. Staying aware is quite important in this difficult time.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick

If corona virus is actually spreading in your community or region, then you are the one who has to fight against it. So, try to stop spreading it by keeping the 2 meters distance between yourself and other people. It is also quite significant for the people who are actually aged or who do not have the great immunity system or who are at the higher risk of getting sick.

Stay home if you’re sick 

There is nothing better than self-quarantined in this time. And if you are feeling sick, then this is highly recommended to you that you stay at your home and have the initial medical care. But if you think that the symptoms are getting higher, then you must consult a doctor. Most importantly, it’s not just you but you need to ensure that you are making others follow rules as well.