Gross Investment

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( — November 12, 2020) — Gross investment is the total amount a company spent on purchasing new and renovating existing equipment, machinery, or other assets aimed to produce profits. Since there are different types of investment spending, such as purchasing new items or upgrading existing ones, an additional term appears in financial planning, which is depreciation. Every equipment used in a business is keen on depreciating its value with time.

Therefore, business owners and managers should take into account the decline in the total cost of production assets. The difference between gross investment and depreciation will result in net investment.

What is a gross investment?

Usually, a certain part of the income is forwarded back to the business. This approach is called re-investing as not all of the profits are withdrawn in the form of dividends or other types of payouts. After all of the necessary expenditures such as salaries, rental payments, and taxes are covered, the rest of the profit is divided between different directions, and investment spending is one of the most important because every business requires development. Sometimes it comes to enlarging the overall production volume, sometimes businesses require improving efficiency. Regardless of an exact implementation, investment spending is aimed to enlarge the total profit of a company. However, due to different segments of where the investment spending is forwarded to, there has to be a general investment figure used in the financial planning and statistics. This amount is called gross investment.

What is a gross investment

How to calculate gross investment?

The gross investment formula consists of two terms: depreciation and net investment. Investment flows have to take into account the lowering cost of the equipment or assets used in producing profits. Depreciation might reflect several types of covering additional expenditures including capital consumption allowance, the replacement cost of fixed capital, and current replacement cost. The second part of the gross investment is a net investment, which reflects the amount directed to purely improving the business efficiency and profit-producing capability.

Gross investment = Depreciation + Net investment.

For example, a manufacturing company uses several machines to get the final product to sell. At some point, the company decided to buy new equipment at a price of $10000. After using the tool for three years, the company received an increased profit. However, the cost of the machine declined by $2000 due to depreciation. As a result, net investment lowered to $8000 compared to $10000 of the gross investment. This formula does not include profits received within the period of the equipment maintenance as the income and cash inflows are calculated separately.

When it comes to investing in the financial markets in general and stocks in particular, similar approaches form the gross investment formula. First of all, not all of the assets in the investment portfolio will grow in price. Some of the shares might delay the expansion due to several factors like industry issues, development difficulties, or geopolitical and financial situations. Therefore, the investment portfolio will include several items with negative performance, which might or might not be covered in the future. Nevertheless, a certain amount was already spent in the investment to purchase those equities, and there is a depreciation part at any given time. Thus, the gross investment will reflect all of the amount spent, regardless of whether that was a profitable investment or not.

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Gross investment versus Net investment

In contrast to gross investment, the net investment reflects the current cost of the portfolio, which produces profits, and does not take into account depreciation or other concomitant losses. Financial markets also suggest several types of investment spending required to build the trading business. For instance, Forex traders could consider investing in hardware or software to improve the performance or purchase an automated trading system. Therefore, those flows are not forwarded to the trading account directly, however, they also help to increase weekly and monthly profits. The overall amount will reflect gross investment, while the initial account balance will correspond to net investment.

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