3 Majors You Should Consider if You Want to Work in IT

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(Newswire.net — November 21, 2020) — Technological progress has created a huge amount of new prospects to explore. Not only are they available, but they are also quite profitable. No wonder IT professionals are in such high demand nowadays. The education system isn’t that far behind. It offers a wide selection of majors an aspiring IT expert could acquire to lay the foundation of an illustrious career.

source: https://unsplash.com/photos/RTJIXQNne68

This rapid digitalization has been going on for decades now. And it shows no signs of stopping. On the contrary, it seems like it’s only quickening its pace by the day. New jobs and new majors are constantly being added to an already impressive list. Which ones should you choose? While it is largely a matter of personal preference, here are some of the most interesting majors a future IT specialist should consider.

Data Science

One of the most universal majors out there today is data science. Chances are, you have already heard the term once or twice somewhere. There is a good reason our time is called an age of information. An ungodly amount of fast-flowing data constantly surrounds us.

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Every aspect of our life tries to unload as much information on you as humanly possible. Most of it is inconsequential noise that we quickly learn to filter out. But some of it is a powerful resource. If you know how to properly gather, structure, and use bits and pieces of information scattered across the web – you unlock a very powerful tool. And you can use it for a wide variety of purposes.

Data scientists are people that have mastered this craft. People that know where to look, what to look for, and what to do with the stuff they found. Such specialists are valued very highly. A capable data scientist will have no trouble finding a job at any place at any time. And it comes with a very enticing pay as well.

On the other hand, this field is very competitive. In order to get to the top, you will have to invest a lot of effort into your career. Some students choose to start their professional journey as soon as possible. And this, in turn, can take a toll on their academic performance. Considering that in order to get a running start in a data science career, you need to properly balance both, this presents a serious problem.

In order to effectively switch between work and studying, consider using the help of a reliable essay service writing; that will help to prevent getting buried under an avalanche of deadlines. Once you outsource the most tedious of assignments, you’ll have enough breathing space to get back on your feet.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting fields that is currently being actively developed by a huge variety of companies. It might not seem like it’s the case as there are sentient robots attempting to take over the Earth or anything of that sort. But elements of artificial intelligence and machine learning are used far more commonly than you can imagine.

source: https://unsplash.com/photos/SyRlD4s_amw

Artificial intelligence systems are used in image recognition systems, speech recognition, and weather prediction. It even helps compile playlists of recommended so ngs on Spotify. The majority of tasks that are entrusted to machines are these lengthy routine jobs with far too many variables to account for. And there is no shortage of those in our lives.

But as artificial intelligence systems become more and more sophisticated, it can be applied in progressively more interesting fields. Right now, the moral questions of creating a sentient machine are still science fiction territory. But who knows, maybe in a decade or two you will be able to make the barrier between humans and robots almost impossible to notice.

System Security

Another solid major you might want to go for is system security. It’s an extremely flexible major. One that will stay relevant for a very long time. Systems change and evolve. More and more people find themselves reliant on technology in virtually every part of their lives. A demand for someone who makes sure the systems people so commonly use are as secure as can be is there.

The one drawback of this major is that you will rarely find yourself in the center of public adoration. The specifics of most security jobs create this weird situation. When everything is going right, your efforts are invisible. It is not until there is a major security breach you are given all the attention in the world. Not the good kind of attention, though. But plenty of it that’s for sure.

So if you are the kind of person that is in it for the glory – perhaps this is not the best choice of major for you. Cybersecurity specialists rarely get the credit they deserve. But if you are fine with not receiving superficial validation – it is a very nice field to work in. A good system security expert is worth their weight in gold. And the boons you get from the kind of top position available in this field are very well worth the trouble.

Final Words

The overall pros and cons of rapid technological progress and its influence on modern society can be debated. But regardless of whether you like it or not – it seems it is here to stay. Software and hardware are constantly being improved. And this race isn’t likely to stop any time soon. Embracing this aspect of our lives and making the most of it seems like a very good call.

The list of majors presented here is far from complete. There are dozens of various directions you could go for if you want to work in IT. And dozens more are appearing almost daily. The available options vary from conventional college education to online courses. It mostly doesn’t matter what your talents are exactly. With enough time and dedication, you can definitely find a spot that suits you perfectly.