A software development company: How to choose one

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(Newswire.net — July 7, 2021) —

Picking a software development company can be a real challenge. After all, there are thousands of them! However, you can streamline the selection process thanks to several simple rules. Bear the advice from this article in mind before you make a choice, and the odds of finding the perfect match go significantly up.

A software development company can be a vital support in your growth. However, you need to find a partner that’s experienced, reliable and understands your goals. Things are even more complicated when you need to hire such an agency for the first time. Likely, you don’t even know where to start. So let’s clarify the process.

Look for a software development company: Where?

Of course, the most straightforward answer is Google. But you should do more. There are a few more places worth checking before making the final decision:

  • Take a look at companies listed on Clutch.co. This platform comprises software companies with different areas of expertise and services. All you have to do is type in a specific query, and you’ll receive some quality answers.
  • Ask your coworkers and friends on LinkedIn.
  • See Facebook groups devoted to software development.

You will likely find some really good software development companies in these places! Pick at least three companies and send them RFPs (requests for proposal).

Broaden your knowledge

Making an informed decision is so much easier when you know something about the field. Discover what software development is all about. What technologies (languages, frameworks) are currently in use, what specific programming languages are for, how the development process looks like. This way, you will be able to assess the quality of answers you receive from your potential partner and find out on your own whether the project you have in mind is workable.

Ask about the initial cost and scope of the project

Experienced agencies will have no problem with estimating how much your project is going to cost or how it should look like. After all, they’ve done similar apps and programs in the past, correct? Pay attention to what your potential agency is telling you about the costs and scope of the project:

  • How many developers will be there for you?
  • What about necessary corrections and adjustments?
  • What are the stages of the project?

The more you know about that specific agency’s pricing and development policy, the easier the decision.


Selecting the cheapest option can be tempting, but frequently, it’s a bad decision. Having three or more quotes, you can compare prices. If one of them is significantly lower than others, beware. It can mean that you don’t get what you’re expecting or that the final cost is hidden deep within the agreements, and the offer that initially was the cheapest is the most expensive one.

Verify experience before you sign the dotted line

Every reliable software development company is totally upfront about their experience and past projects. They don’t hide behind NDAs and are eager to show you they are worth your time and money. Ask the agency you intend to work with about their previous case studies. Check their blog, read their posts on social media (especially Facebook and LinkedIn). Openly ask if they’ve done a similar project in the past? How did it go? What were the results? All these questions will help you make a decision you won’t regret in the coming weeks.

And if you’re looking for a software development company, visit ElPassion.com.