3 Advantages of Using Cloud Services at Your Company

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(Newswire.net — May 6, 2024) — Cloud computing comprises on-demand computing resources accessed via the internet. It encompasses hardware, software, networking, databases, and storage. With cloud services, your company does not need its own IT infrastructure to store and access information. Moving to the cloud has allowed companies of all sizes and shapes to be quicker, more agile and more innovative. Let’s look at three core advantages that using cloud services will provide your company.

1. Scalability and Flexibility

Scaling up physical IT setups requires significant time and costs. There is also great potential for waste. You are often tasked with building for the future but incurring added costs now. With cloud computing, you can eliminate most if not all of those concerns.

In fact, with cloud computing, you can scale up on demand but also scale down. Consider a scenario in which a company needs more computing power when bringing a product to market but not throughout the rest of the year. With cloud services, you can pay for only what you need when you need it. There is no requirement for your company to incur that added overhead throughout the year.

2. Better Collaboration

Cloud computing has transformed the way companies are productive. It has not only changed the way we work for the better but the way we communicate and collaborate. Your data is available to your employees at any time and wherever they are. Is that something you could achieve through your own infrastructure? Certainly, but the logistics and costs would be substantial.

The only requirement is that your teams have an internet connection, but that requirement is easier than ever to meet thanks to the advancements of cell networks. Cloud collaboration is also an important need if you have remote workers. Many companies are taking advantage of remote workers not only for the benefit of the organization but the individual team members too.

3. Data Loss Prevention

Data loss is among the greatest risks facing modern business. Keeping physical copies of all data is no longer practical. That means that there is a real risk of losing data that you cannot recover. Data redundancy is paramount in order to mitigate this risk. On-site data redundancy is expensive and manpower intensive. Cloud-based data redundancy is not.

Cloud-based data loss prevention allows you to prioritize data, as not all data is as sensitive. It also allows you to classify data and deal with each classification through a different set of rules. The cloud also lets you monitor data in motion, identify risks, perform exact data matching, and develop better controls.

While there can be limitations to cloud computing, the advantages far outweigh them. Most companies today are not considering whether they should migrate but rather what they should migrate. The reduction of IT costs across industries has been significant, and companies are also now taking advantage of AI and machine learning. There are also many solutions available to help you avoid limitations, such as security risks, vendor lock-in, and the costs of integrating with existing systems.