Melbourne Business Coach Leads Way Despite Business Confidence Falling

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( — September 4, 2013) Richmond, VIC 


Unemployment and business confidence has fallen to a 4 year low according to a recent NAB business survey. The sentiment of the survey runs true with some of her many clients according to Melbourne business coach, Pound.

Maureen Pound has coached thousands of business owners and employees from all around the world and has been through tough periods many times before, she says “There’s a real concern out their among the businesses regarding uncertainty in terms of what’s going to happen until the 2017.” The Labour Government recently forecasted in The Pre- Election Fiscal & Economic Outlook (PEFO) that the 2016-2017 budget forecast would be bigger than expected, moving from $4bn to $4.2bn. Given Labours track record of failing to predict and confirm their future spending She says “Owners are feeling the need to act outside of Government planning to recoup some of the losses of the last 2 years.

“Look, I’ve been around a while now and these are the times leaders step up and take the advantage, says the coach for the brave. “I’ve experienced it myself and witnessed it with some of my students. All It requires is a good strategy and prudent decision making. There’s a lot of change happening out there at the moment and it’s a great time to show your true worth and become a trusted authority in your field. People haven’t stopped spending all together, they’re just being more cautious. If you can show them you can solve their problems by getting results and building a good relationship, you’ll win their business.”

Business owners are cutting back on marketing costs, and there’s a couple of reasons for this: the elections, which always puts things into a holding pattern … and secondly, traditional advertising isn’t as effective as it used to be. Digital marketing has its own complex ecosystem and requires a lot of understanding, owners are left relying on specialists, which can be costly.

Pound says “Im still a big believer in that, the best way of doing business is the good old face-to-face, building relationships and leveraging your network. Digital marketing just enables you to do the same things, but on a larger and more organised scale.

Maureen has taken on a crack-team of digital marketers with formidable skills in the digital marketing space, bought on specifically to help solve this dilemma. “We’re really helping business owners create successful companies and lifestyles by enabling them to become leading authorities in their field, and teaching them how to get clients in the digital marketing space, despite the current economic conditions.”

Pound states “Digital Marketing is a massive growth area, it offers far greater returns than traditional and can propel and reposition a business very quickly, if done properly. We want to enable business owners, by providing them with the right, resources, guidance and advice, so they can be confident moving forward no matter what the conditions.”   

Maureen Pound

2 George Street,
Richmond,VIC 3121

+61 3 405 505 351