How Technology Improves Education

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( — March 24, 2020) — 

In the 21st century, technology has truly done wonders for education—it would be wrong to say otherwise. With the advancements of various kinds of devices and pieces of software, education has been boosted up to a whole different level. Here are the ways in which technology has improved education.

People Learn Differently

First off, each person learns differently. Technology is great for education because it provides more ways to learn. For example, smart boards can give students the opportunity to see learning materials presented in ways that traditional things such as blackboards and overhead projectors could never do.

Despite the fact that there are pretty stringent criteria put on educational professionals, some teachers just aren’t great matches for some students. There are teachers who cannot explain the material in the best possible way and do not have practices that are fully conducive to learning. Sometimes, sources on the internet can explain things a lot better than teachers.

Students Are Given More Time and Opportunities to Learn

Technology is great because it gives students more time to learn things. In a traditional tutoring session, a student has a limited amount of time to learn the material that the tutor is teaching her. With the current technologies that exist, a student can take however long he needs in order to understand the material. There are websites and applications that have been developed to tutor people in various subjects. These websites give students an unlimited amount of time to study—as opposed to a tutoring session where a student may have a couple of hours to remember whatever the teacher said.

Free Education

The great thing about technology is that it makes education cheap, free and accessible. A you need to do is go on the internet or download an educational app. Gone are the days where you have to pay to be educated. Technology is a great supplement to formal education because it can fill in the large gaps that current curricula (unfortunately) have.

Less Distractions

Sometimes, brick-and-mortar schools can serve as distractions for students. A student’s focus can be ruined by the shenanigans of other students who are badly misbehaving. If a student is living in a dorm on campus, there could be various social situations that distract him or her from school work. Technology brings education out of the classroom to places where there are less distractions. For example, you can easily look at learning material outside of the classroom—away from others who are distracting you.

More Flexibility

Technology has made this era the golden age of education. People can take education on the go with them, and learn at any time. They don’t have to dedicate time to commute to and sit in a brick-and-mortar building. This shaves a lot of stress off people’s lives because there is very little time in the day, and some people have very tight schedules. Those who would never have had time to commute to school and spend time there can now access school from home (or wherever else they are).

Taking away the necessity to commute trickles down into other benefits, such as being able to save money that one would have otherwise used for public transportation. Also, there is always some level of risk when you physically go somewhere. Taking an online course takes away the chance of getting run over by traffic or getting bothered by someone.

More Options

There are currently more learning options because of technology. People who want to attend college now have more options due to the amount of colleges that are now running online schools.

Understanding Other People

Because of technology, people have more opportunities to understand and empathize with each other. People are now expressing their personal opinions and experiences over accessible media that are looked at by countless others around the world. For example, people post the details of their lives through social media. There are habits and mindsets that people express through their post that may have otherwise gone widely unknown in a world without social media.

Technology improved education by creating new forms of communication that can be taken on the go and edited.