Surrendering to Your New Year’s Resolution: How You Can Keep Your Goals In 2015

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( — January 17, 2015) San Diego, CA — San DiegoCalifornia — Some companies have been ruthlessly advertising their sugary desserts to you via social media. Maybe it seems like sweet shops are just having some really great promotions this time of year, but I promise it’s not that innocent. Good news is, it’s still possible for you to maintain the strength and will to keep your goal.

It’s about that time of year again—after being uncomfortably crowded with fresh, new faces the past 3 weeks, the gyms are finally back to being nearly empty due to all those who gave up on their New Year’s resolution to be fit again this year. In case you think I’m crazy, January 17th, 2015 has actually been declared “National Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day.” It all seems perfectly logical, too—Week 1: your determination to abide by the “new year new me” motto is in full effect; nothing can stop you! Week 2: thoughts of “it’s not really giving up my New Year’s resolution if I skip the gym just today” are beginning. By the end of this week it turns into, “But fast-paced walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes twice a week is already more than I’ve done in the last three months.” By the time week 3 rolls around, you’re so done with having to shower twice a day and decide to put those 20 minutes of “exercise” to better use by exercising your mind (aka binge-watching Criminal Minds on Netflix).

Not only are people giving up on their goals on their own, but some companies are now encouraging the surrender of New Year’s resolutions. Time announced that Marble Slab Creamery and Maggie Moo’s ice cream parlors are handing out two-for-one coupons to anyone who’s willing to proclaim the statement, “I’m ditching my New Year’s resolution” to an employee of the shop. Apparently the ice cream shops have been relentlessly promoting the two-for-one deal since the very first day of the New Year. The persistent marketing scheme seems to be gaining some real attention from those who were on edge by week 2, making them some of the first likely customers bursting through the doors and practically shouting at the employees for their first sugar indulgence in weeks.

Why should you give into promotions like this that want to persuade you into giving up the goals you thought about finally achieving in 2015?

Simply put—you shouldn’t.

Lane Ethridge, a motivational speaker and author, believes you should never give up on your goals and lifetime dreams.  “You set goals for a reason. If you keep giving up and giving in, you’ll never accomplish anything you’ve set out to do and you’ll never be fully happy with yourself,” Ethridge insists. Ethridge’s book Changing Lanes will help you to discover the current “road blocks” in your life and give you the confidence to make changes to better yourself. Ethridge continues to contradict the ice cream shops’ entire promotion by promising, “So many of us make the mistake of listening to a world that tells us we’re not good enough and will never be anything more than we are today. You deserve better than that.”

Whether you choose to get your two-for-one ice cream cone on January 17th for ditching your New Year’s resolution or not, Lane Ethridge’s Changing Lanes will be there to both motivate and support you in overcoming your current challenges and speeding up the road to your success right after.

If you need a little more encouragement, Ethridge is hosting a VIP Launch Party for his book on January 23 in Rancho Santa Fe, California.

Click here for details.

About Lane’s VIP Book Launch Party


Lane’s VIP Book Launch Party

Morgan Run Club & Resort, 5690 Cancha De Golf
San Diego, CA 92091

(240) 401-9742