Romance Novel Author Enters the Conversation on Domestic Abuse

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( — April 7, 2015) Portland , OR A CHOICE FOR CLAIRE, AJ Harmon’s 13th romance novel, shows Claire’s difficult decision – forced to choose between having everything or having it all. Is she willing to give up her self-esteem and endure verbal, emotional and physical abuse to have everything – cars, jewels, designer fashions – or will she discover the strength to choose to have it all; self-worth, career, family and the love of a man who worships her as a person and not as a pretty possession?

“Lately too many books published in the genre of romance novels depict billionaires with certain appetites,” Harmon begins. “Let’s face it! As women we all want to be desired by a wealthy and handsome man.”

AJ published her debut romance novel in November 2012, FIRST CLASS to NEW YORK. Over the next 17 months she published eight more books and two novellas.  “The hero in first book was the oldest of seven brothers and they all needed their own love story. So, turning it into a series was easy. Each story leads to the next book and, before I knew it, I had a nine book series with a bonus novella.” Harmon said. “I think I spoiled my readers with a new book every other month. Now they’re having to wait a little longer between books.

“It’s wonderful to have such loyal and eager readers, but it also creates a little pressure to get that next book out,” AJ explained. “My last two books have been standalone novels and that requires a lot more work before I even start to write.”

The First Class Novels series has had over half a million copies downloaded and the complete collection became a USA Today Bestseller in October of 2014 and spent 19 weeks as Amazon’s Top Rated romance collection with a 4.8 star rating.

“A CHOICE FOR CLAIRE, focuses on a life altering decision Claire has to make, when she has to choose between having everything or having it all.”  AJ stated, “Domestic abuse is a difficult subject to write about, but it is a subject that needs more attention brought to it. No one should be verbally, emotionally or physically abused by someone who claims to love them.”

According to US Department of Justice 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are physically abused annually by an intimate partner. Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men in a 50 state study were raped by a domestic or dating partner. The CDC estimated that in 2004 IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) cost $8.3 billion and 8 million paid work days and 5.6 million household productive days. Domestic violence effects everyone in one form or another.

“Claire’s prince charming promises her everything, but regularly forgets to be charming, loving or even kind. Leaving him would cost her everything she thinks she needs to be happy.” Harmon clarified, “Having it all; self-respect, a career, a family or even a shot at a happily ever after will require her to make a tough choice and show more courage than she can even imagine she has.

“I’m sure I’ll catch a little flak for giving her a shot at a happily-ever-after, but it is romance novel. It can’t be dark and hopeless for the whole book.  Nobody would read it,” AJ professed. “Domestic violence doesn’t always leave much hope for happiness, only hard work and a need for healing. To eliminate this sad fact we must stop the circle of violence.

“If this book gives just one person a little hope and helps them escape the abusive cycle they’re trapped in, this book will be a total success,” AJ declared.

A story of overcoming abuse, discovering hope, blooming into a new woman and letting true love in.”  Christina R. – Amazon Review


“AJ pulls you into this book and makes you feel the emotions throughout this whole book.
S. Lewis (This Mom Loves Alphas – Romance Novel Blog)


“Being in a similar situation to Claire this was hard to read at moments, but it also gave me hope for my own future. Well done AJ, well done!!  Tina D. – Amazon Review


To learn more about romance author AJ Harmon, her books and get a FREE Kindle Book of  FIRST CLASS to NEW YORK, visit her website, or follow her on Facebook or YouTube. 

About Author AJ Harmon – ABC’s Legacy LLC

AJ Harmon published her debut novel in November of 2012 on Amazon. She now has 13 novels and 2 novellas available from Kindle, Nook and iTunes.

Author AJ Harmon – ABC’s Legacy LLC

Portland , O United States