Developing Expert Status Generates New Leads and Sales

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( — October 5, 2017) — Doug Morneau interviews Rob Kosberg, two-time international bestselling author and founder of Best Seller Publishing on the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast. How can entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants stop hunting for clients and instead position themselves as the hunted, using their own bestselling book.

Listen to the episode and read the show notes.

Four Keys from this Episode:

-> Entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants how to stop hunting for clients and instead position themselves as the hunted, using their own bestselling book

-> Who are the people at the very top of that industry? 100 times out of 100, they are going to bestselling authors whose books were possibly the launching pad for getting them there.

-> The winning formula for promoting your book and making sales for your business.

-> How to start writing your book.

Doug asks Rob to share what he’s most excited about in the next six to twelve months?

“I’d say, while TV and radio have been around for awhile, podcasts, obviously like this one, are exploding. And also, all of the advent of social media. So, at the moment, we’re advising our clients on what to do with free plus shipping funnels.

I have a number of clients that are doing six figures a month with their book funnel. And that, to me, is like … I mean, that’s a thrill, to see them that massively successful with their book”.

Listen to the episode and read the show notes.

About Real Marketing Real Fast:

Real Marketing Real Fast is the only podcast that brings you unfiltered, undaunted, insider information on the latest tools and technologies for online marketers. Prepare to dive deep into marketing myths, breakthrough methods, and cutting-edge strategies that will have an immediate impact on the growth of your business.
Doug Morneau is a serial entrepreneur since founding his first company over 32 years ago.
Doug is an author, speaker, and podcaster, a passionate lifelong learner and expert marketer with significant experience in email marketing.
Doug has the ability to quickly understand concepts, adapt to new technologies and new media, making him a valuable contributor to any sales and marketing problem-solving conversation, or marketing strategy session.
Doug is a dynamic, powerful, and knowledgeable speaker that never fails to add value to any group or conference.

Doug Mourneau

(888) 430-4892