Carmel IN Oral Cancer Preventive Regular Examinations Screening Report Released

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Full-service family dentist, Linderman Dentistry in Carmel, Indiana, has released a report that encourages routine semi-annual dental checkups and thorough cancer screening protocols.

Linderman Dentistry, a full-service family dentist located in Carmel, Indiana, has released a report that encourages residents to prioritize routine dental checkups to help screen for the beginning signs of oral cancer, pointing out that cancer remains the second leading cause of death among Americans.

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The report released by Linderman Dentistry in Carmel, Indiana says that routine dental checkups should remain a health and wellness priority among Americans. According to findings, semi-annual checkups should always include oral cancer screening components similar to those conducted at Linderman Dentistry.

The report explains that oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is a disease that develops as a result of abnormal cell growth that can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the tongue, the gums, inside the cheeks, on the roof or floor of the mouth, in the tonsils or in salivary glands.

Pointing to statistics published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the Linderman Dentistry report reveals that 48,330 Americans received a diagnosis of oral cancer in 2016, 9,570 of which resulted in death.

Research shows that heavy smokers and heavy drinkers are at higher risk of developing oral cancer. Other risk factors include prolonged and repeated sun exposure to the lips, poor diet, and history of leukoplakia – a thick, whitish color patch inside the mouth.

To reduce the risk of developing oral cancer, Linderman Dentistry recommends limited alcohol intake, cessation of tobacco use, limited sun exposure, a healthy diet, and regular dental examinations.

The report warns that very early signs of oral cancer are undetectable without a thorough professional dental examination.

Signs that oral cancer may be developing include persistent mouth sores, pain when swallowing, loose teeth, sore throat, red or white patches anywhere in the mouth, persistent swelling, and any unusual pain or stiffness in the mouth, jaw or neck.

The team at Linderman Dentistry pride themselves on the relationships they develop with their patients, whom they consider family.

With the release of their report, Dr. Linderman and his staff hope audiences will continue to maintain optimal home oral care as recommended by the American Dental Association, and, as a proactive preventive measure, prioritize regular, semi-annual dental checkups.

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