4 Things No One Tells You Happens After Giving Birth

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(Newswire.net — June 6, 2018) — There is plenty of information that goes around about what happens to your body during pregnancy and all of the joys that you can expect. After giving birth, however, there are certain things that people just don’t talk about.

Postpartum, a lot of women may find themselves experiencing things that they never anticipated. As a result, they start to question if maybe they’re the only one.

Fear not, however, because chances are you’re definitely not alone. Here are some of the most common things that no one talks about that frequently happen following giving birth.

Hair Loss

When you’re pregnant and have all sorts of hormones and extra vitamins swirling through your system, your hair is usually thick and dreamy. Along with your skin feeling more radiant and your nails being stronger, this is one of the best perks of getting pregnant. 

Following having the baby, however, your body has a dramatic dip in hormones.  As a result, your hair can take a sudden change for the worse. Your locks, which were recently thick and voluminous, are now falling out in high amounts, and your hair is flat and lifeless.

Don’t panic if this happens. Experiencing hair loss after giving birth is incredibly common. After a while, your hormones should go back to normal, and your hair will be as good as new.

Lack of Desire for Intimacy

A lot of women experience a lack of desire for intimacy after having the baby. This change in affection can be a result of several factors.

Some women are so focused on their baby that they don’t have room to think about anything else, while others are still adjusting to feeling attractive again after a massive change in their physique.

Although it may be confusing at first, you should rest assured that everything usually returns to normal within the first year.

Sore Nipples

Although your baby won’t be born with teeth, their gums can do just as much damage. As your nipples adjust to the new sensation of tugging and sucking, it can be incredibly painful.

Make sure that you purchase an all natural nipple cream and apply it regularly during your first few weeks of breastfeeding. After the initial irritation, you will adjust and will start to enjoy the sensation of nourishing your baby.

Change in Appetite

Although you have an increased appetite during pregnancy, it can grow even more during breastfeeding. Since your body is creating milk at a rapid rate by using your reserve fat as a source, your body needs fuel.

Don’t be surprised to find that you may even gain weight initially when breastfeeding. This can be a rude awakening for a lot of women who were expecting the weight to melt off from breastfeeding.