Why are Video Tutorials Not Helpful in Learning Forex?

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(Newswire.net — July 18, 2018) — You must have seen that many people are now trying to learn trading strategy and trading techniques from video tutorials. It is a good system as you can learn for free how to trade with different currency pairs, how to analyze the trend and also how you can make money in your account. Forex is an online market where the trades are placed on live trends. You do not have a second chance and if you do some mistake, your trade is over. You can only expect the trend will come in your favor to close the trade with a small loss. When you can learn the trading process by yourself, many people prefer video tutorials for learning. They think it is more effective and quicker than the traditional system. You follow some step by step video tutorials and you understand the basic concepts. In reality, video tutorials are not much help in for learning to trade in Forex. If you read this article, you will find video tutorials have many limitations and they are not a tool for learning. They may visually present the trends and give explanations but they still have many concepts unfocused.

Paid video tutorials

If you really want to master Forex trading within a very short period of time you need to go for the paid video tutorials. There is a lot of free stuff on the market and finding the right thing is very hard. So if you spend a few money chances are very high you will get professional grade education materials. Finding the perfect video tutorial is very hard. That’s why many traders often consider a professional trading course with premium video tutorials.

It’s not a rule that you have to spend money to learn to trade. Everything is available on the internet and if you can make the right decision at the right time you won’t have to regret this profession. In fact, many female traders are now making tons of money just by trading CFDs. They know the core factors to make a profit. Instead of learning the details they sought help from the expert traders. But at the end of the day, you will have to work hard to establish yourself in the Forex market. So get ready to watch some video trading tutorials.

Teach you trading on some past and controlled trends

The first limitation that you will face when learning through video tutorials is they only teach you trading the market on some controlled trends. The environment of the market is controlled and their strategy is beautifully executed. The reality is much different and you will have volatilities and unexpected trends. When people explain the patterns in videos, they are only explaining the pattern based on past trends. They knew what the industry has gone through and they fluently speak about the changes that fall in their description. If you are given a month old trend, you can also explain why the changes in patterns have occurred with the help of indicators. Forex trading happens in uncontrolled and volatile conditions, making the video tutorials useless for learning. If you want to learn and know the thrill of live trading, trade on the live market. You will understand how much different it is and how easy it is to learn.

They do not focus on developing a career or focusing on mistakes

One crucial flaw in these video tutorials is they never point out the mistakes of novice traders. They only talk about the patterns, the trends the volatilities but never the mistakes. If you do not know your mistakes, how are you going to correct yourself? Success does not come as long as you are not perfecting your trades and making yourself a better trader. Learn the trading strategy through trial and error system and forget the video tutorials.