Boric Acid to the Vaginal Rescue

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( — September 16, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Anything with the word “acid” attached to it is quite often assumed to be very strong, even harsh so it’s no surprise that many are instinctively hesitant about boric acid just by the name of it. Conversely boric acid is medically renowned as an antifungal and antiviral agent that’s effective against vaginal infections whilst soothing for the vagina. 

The pH of one’s vaginal ecology is influenced by a number of variables such a menstruation during which the vagina’s pH becomes less acidic since blood has a pH of 7.4 and tampon use exacerbates the issues especially if left in longer than intended. 

Boric acid (H3BO3) is a white crystalline, oxygen-bearing acid of boron naturally found in certain minerals and volcanic waters or hot springs in regions such as Tuscany, the Lipari Islands and Nevada. Also known as hydrogen borate, boracic acid, orthoboric acid and acidum boricum, this mild acid works well to stifle the growth of microorganisms like those which cause yeast and bacterial infections. 

The medically-approved boric acid formula used in the HealthyWiser™ Femme-Fresh™ Vaginal Suppository functions as an anti-fungal agent to restore healthy vaginal pH balance, relieve itchiness and prevent unpleasant lingering scents.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that this [boric acid] regimen has clinical and mycological (branch of biology that deals with fungi) eradication rates of approximately 70 percent,” says the Dr. Axe website. “A study published in the journal Diabetes Care has even found that boric acid vaginal suppositories were more effective against candida symptoms in diabetic women than an oral azole medication.” 

Women are mostly faced with bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections, commonly called thrush. Candida albicans is responsible for most yeast infections however Candida glabrata, another more insidious type of yeast, accounts for a number of cases. One should note that both forms result from the overgrowth of naturally present yeast cells accompanied by a thick white discharge and itchiness. 

On the other hand, a thin grayish white discharge that carries a pungent fishy odor accompanies bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when bad bacteria outnumbers the good bacteria that naturally resides in the vagina. 

“Studies have found boric acid to be a safe, affordable, and helpful treatment for many people with chronic or recurrent yeast infections that have not been successfully treated by other means, it may be especially effective for diabetic people with chronic or recurrent yeast infections,” explains the “Go Ask Alice!” website powered by the University of Columbia, New York. “While some other antifungal yeast infection treatments only treat the Candida albicans yeast, boric acid treats both Candida albicans and Candida glabrata yeasts.” 

Treatments like the HealthyWiser Femme-Fresh Vaginal Suppository helps reestablish vaginal pH balance plus functions as an anti-fungal agent to soothe itchiness and irritation. Additionally, there are some basic lifestyle precautions to be observed.

Ensuring to properly dry the genital area after a shower, wipe from back to front whenever using the loo and wearing breathable underwear are important considerations to observe. Also, avoid perfumed soaps, antiseptics, wearing articles which fit tightly at the crotch and unnecessary use of antibiotics as they affect the balance of vaginal organisms.

About HealthyWiser LLC

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and cosmetic brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about Femme-Fresh™ Boric Acid Vaginal Suppository on Amazon.

HealthyWiser LLC

109 E 17TH ST STE 420
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