More Scientists Believe DIM Is a Solution for Estrogen Dominance

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( — November 15, 2018) Orlando, FL — Research studies have been investigating the effects of DIM against estrogen dominance. This natural remedy called DIM is believed to offer many health benefits, many of which are significantly beneficial for women.

According to some scientists, DIM could be a solution for estrogen dominance. Diindolylmethane (DIM) is widely consumed nowadays through supplementation. There are those who believe this natural remedy could work wonders to help with regaining the body’s estrogen balance. 

It is worth mentioning that women who suffer from estrogen dominance typically experience symptoms. This includes bloating, decreased sex drive, fibrocystic breasts, headaches, cold hands and feet, and mood swings.

It also leads to abnormal menstrual periods, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, foggy thinking, and thyroid dysfunction. 

Experts have revealed that estrogen dominance is associated with autoimmune disorders, uterine cancer, allergies, infertility, uterine cancer, increased blood clotting, and ovarian cysts. 

Estrogen dominance symptoms as well as proper estrogen metabolism are thought to be better managed through the use of DIM. 

According to experts, DIM is a nutrient found in broccoli and some other cruciferous vegetables. It is believed to work by shifting estrogen metabolism to the 2-hydroxy pathway. 

This leads to healthier estrogen metabolites and hormonal balance is also restored. Like a traffic cop, DIM guides used estrogen down the 2-hydroxy pathway. 

Reducing estrogen dominance may also be made through simply following a hormone-balancing diet and getting enough fiber. DIM is a great choice and it can be obtained through supplementation. 

There are many consumers who turn to DIM supplements to experience the therapeutic goodness of this natural ingredient. 

Consumers may consider the use of Purest Vantage DIM, which is a formula that continues to gain attention from consumers. There are many things that make it superior over other brands, and one is its potency. 

It offers 250 mg per capsule while other brands are only up to 100 mg or 150 mg per capsule. This alone makes it more beneficial. It also has a bioavailability enhancing ingredient like black pepper, which increases the delivery of DIM’s healing properties to the body. 

In addition to its high potency, it is also equipped with pure ingredients. It doesn’t contain fillers, binders, sugars, preservatives, additives, and GMOs. These are some of the ingredients that many people are trying so hard to avoid. 

Through the use of this extra-strength formula, consumers would be able to take advantage of benefits like improved testosterone, detox, and weight loss. It is further worth mentioning that this formula is protected with a complete customer satisfaction guarantee.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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