5 Steps to Develop a Video Marketing Strategy on a Startup Budget

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(Newswire.net — December 10, 2018) — The reason why video marketing is popular is simple – people love watching videos. Did you know that more than 87% of online marketers are using video content? Probably you’re also a part of them or maybe you want to be one among them because videos bring high ROI to the world’s 51% marketing professionals.

All this data is enough to convince anyone to start working on a video marketing strategy, but not every business has the luxury to hire a celebrity to talk about their brand. So, what could you do if you are on a low budget? How would you develop a video marketing strategy on a startup budget? Well, this article will answer all your questions and you will find 5 easy solutions to kick off your video marketing campaign.

1. Create a message

“You should buy from me because I want to sell you something.” If this is what you want to convey through your marketing video then don’t do it. Do you remember watching any of those advertisements that don’t tell much but still leave a lasting impact? That’s the power of a message.

The only thing that’s common in all the viral videos is that they give you something. It can be as simple as a laugh, an emotion, a feeling or something as complex as important information. If you’re working on a video marketing strategy, craft a compelling message, keep it at the core of the process and then create your video.

It may sound complex because there’s no single formula to get this done quickly. Here are some questions that your team must be able to answer.

  • Who is going to watch your videos?

  • Why should they care about watching it?

  • What type of things do they like to watch?

  • What kind of emotions can connect them with your business?

  • What are the qualities that separate your audience from others?

  • Do they have time to watch it?

2. Ask for feedback

This is one of the most important things you can do to make your video marketing strategy a success. Even if you’re just working on a strategy, you can still collect feedback. Talk to your friends, family member, colleagues and hear what they say. These people can help you to a certain extent because most of them are probably not your potential customers.

You have to reach out to a group of people who is interested in similar products or services. The best thing is even if you directly ask them for feedback, they won’t find you annoying because they know that you’re not there to sell something. That’s the beauty of communication. When you’re not selling, you can make people aware of your brand without being a salesman.

If young people are a part of your target audience, go to places where you can meet them. Colleges, cafe, parks or on social media networks. Tell them what you are trying to do and ask for their help. As long as you’re humble and are open to criticism and new ideas, collecting feedback before you invest time and money on video production is the best thing you can do.

3. Try some free tools

Always remember that free tools that restrict you from using certain features or put weird watermarks on videos make your business look cheap. Use these tools for experimental purposes but don’t rely too much on them. With most of the online video making tools, you will end up wasting time as they don’t give you the solution you want. At least not without charging you. So, be careful and use them for learning and experimental purposes.

The flexibility you get from customized video making services is matchless. On free tools and software, you can rely to a certain extent as you will be using pre-designed templates which are already being used by thousands of people everywhere around the world. In both direct and indirect way, these solutions can hurt your brand’s image. But to get some ideas and inspiration, you can use them.

4. Meet a professional to discuss your ideas

It is often advisable to meet a professional to help you understand the various kinds of content ideas and what’s best suitable for your brand. You can take help of professionals to work on your video marketing strategy or you can contact a video production company.

Professionals do this day and night, so they are full of ideas. People who are not into video production may give you many ideas but without meeting a professional, it’s hard to learn about the scale and scope of the project you’re thinking about. Professionals can help you do better things within your budget and there’s nothing wrong in asking help.

5. Make a plan to promote and distribute content

So, you’ve created a video marketing strategy, but you’re still clueless about the performance projection. Doing more with less content is possible as long as you’re able to unlock its full potential. Social media platforms love videos, people love videos, and your visitors love videos. But limiting your video marketing strategy to video production simply makes no sense. If you don’t know how to promote you need to plan it. Remember, posting a video once on social media platforms may not help you. So, include content distribution in your video marketing strategy.

You can’t solely rely on paid or earned media for more visibility. You need to get visitors from different sources. That means you need to promote your videos through a variety of mediums and channels.

These are just five ways you can develop a video marketing strategy on a startup budget. What other things are you planning to do?