Professional Montreal Life Coach Launches New Report

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( — March 29, 2019) — Montreal, QC — Montreal life coach Lynda Hoffman has launched a new report on personal leadership development. It highlights how people can take charge of their life and achieve their goals.

Lynda Hoffman has launched a new report focusing on personal leadership development and coaching in Montreal. She is a Montreal based life coach who helps clients transform their lives, achieve their goals, and improve in all aspects of their day-to-day life.

More information can be found at:

In her new report on personal leadership, Lynda highlights that personal leadership means the client moves from living on automatic pilot to living their lives in conscious choice. Many people feel like life happens to them as if life is one big obstacle course. They forget that they have one life and they can choose how to live it for great happiness and fulfillment.

To be in personal leadership means that clients first need to identify what they really want. This is not as simple as it sounds. Some people are not aware of what they truly want. Instead, they experience a vague yearning that they cannot break down. Once they are clear on what matters to them, they can take specific actions to create the best outcomes.

Other clients arrive at coaching already knowing what they want but find it challenging to take actions that are in alignment with this knowledge. The key is to identify what habit prevents them from taking actions that serve them. These habits could include taking no action because they are afraid to fail, judging themselves or others, or letting others decide for them.

Designing change is in the quality of the action plans that the client creates. Lynda explains that there are two ways to go: safety or growth.

People choose one or the other with every decision they make, whether they are conscious of doing so or not. In order to take full responsibility, it’s important to observe the mindset that leads to actions and adjust accordingly when the old habits surface.

The report encourages people to embrace the creative process in developing personal leadership. Messy experimentation is helpful while perfectionism is a block to success. It prevents people from taking the necessary actions to learn.

As such, true leadership is about people being willing to be bold. Leaders do not lead from fear. They step into what is possible. In this way, everything – including mistakes – is an opportunity for learning and growing.

The report states: “Always listen to your truth and give it space. Be truthful with others as well; this will get you more of what you truly want and less of what you don’t. You are worth speaking up for and worth being heard.”

Full details can be found on the URL above, and anyone wanting to get in touch for one-to-one coaching can find details on Lynda’s website.