The difference between Polyneuropathy and Mononeuropathy

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( — April 1, 2019) Darien, CT — So you know that you have peripheral neuropathy. You can tell from the pain and numbness in your hands and feet. It is hard to tell when your balance is affected by neuropathy. However, losing your balance can be more serious than pain and numbness. What I would like to address here is the difference between mononeuropathy and polyneuropathy. While there is much in common there is also a few key differentiators that you should be aware of.

Mononeuropathy is usually the result of damage to a single nerve or nerve group by trauma, injury, local compression, prolonged pressure, or inflammation. Another group at risk for mononeuropathy are people with multiple back surgeries. We have seen people present with neuropathy after having several surgeries. After a while, the scar tissue brings more scar tissue and this can lead to further compression of the injured nerve. The weight of a dime is enough to impede neural input via the peripheral nerves. Imagine excess tissue bearing down on the delicate nerve. Long term pressure can impede the peripheral nerve flow.

The key things to remember is that mononeuropathy affects only 1 area. One hand or one foot, and only on one side. Then the other key feature to understand is that there is usually a trauma to the nerve causing compression.

The majority of people with polyneuropathy are either diabetics or post-chemo patients. Certainly, there are other contributing causes like poor nutrition, infections, and autoimmune diseases besides diabetes and chemotherapy patients. These unlucky people can have a wider distribution of nerve pain and numbness. My observation is that the feet are usually the worst and the hands are really secondary in regard to symptomatology.

There are new treatments today that will benefit neuropathy sufferers. The ReBuilder is a highly sophisticated, prescription based, at-home medical device that alleviates chronic pain and painful numbness with no side effects. The ReBuilder reads the dysfunctional electrical waveforms of your nerves and then delivers a correcting signal 7.83 times per second. There is no medicine that can do this, especially when there are no side effects.

Monochromatic near infrared photoenergy therapy, called MIRE is used on treating neuropathy by increasing local levels of nitric oxide (NO) which may decrease pain levels. Nitric Oxide is a naturally occurring molecule that stimulates vasodilation. Blood flow is enhanced to the areas it is applied to. While this does not suggest a cure for neuropathy both MIRE and Rebuilder offer hope to people with peripheral neuropathy.

About DarienChiropractor Brian McKay

Core Health is a Chiropractic facility that offers specialized care of the musculoskeletal system focusing on increased function of the body as a whole. We look at the soft tiissue and the skeletal system and treat both to obtain the best results for our patients. Athletes young and old turn to us to stay in the game.We also treat back pain, migraines, plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow.   Dr.McKay is a contributing author to a number of respected web authority sites.

DarienChiropractor Brian McKay

551 Post Road
Darien, CT 06820
United States