Benefits of Microservices – Increase Work Efficiently

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( — April 2, 2019) — Technology is improving every day and it is benefitting every aspect of our life. One of the most significant improvements is the microservices. It helps in building certain modules that can address some of the specific tasks or some business objectives. These modules tend to have high cohesion along with low coupling. Here we will go in-depth to teach you about the characteristics and benefits of microservices.

Characteristic of Microservices

While there is no agreement about the characteristics of this microservice architecture, there are some of the characteristics of the microservices that can be highly beneficial for you. These are:

  1. The services must communicate through network by using technology agnostic protocols.

  2. Each service must be deployed independently.

  3. Services must be built based on the business goals.

  4. Microservices architecture must be modular with all the services, being quite small in the size and having all the essential components for performing the functioning independently.

  5. Microservices are tolerant and resistant to faults and failures respectively.

  6. Services must be able to influence the polyglot programming as well as the persistence.

What do Microservices Represent?

The microservices represent the highest cohesion and loosest coupling when it is compared to monolithic architecture and service oriented. Each of the services is simply independent completely to handle messaging, data storage and functions. The main focus of the microservices architecture is to help the CICD and DevOps by creating some autonomous modules that can be independently deployable.

Benefits of Microservices

If you want to know a complete analysis of the several benefits of microservices architecture, then you are at the right place. This technology has quite a few advantages, as they can yield vast benefits over a monolithic architecture. Some of the benefits are:

  1. The modules are more improved now which helps to understand, test and develop faster. This is one of the best benefits.

  2. Each of the services can be developed as well as can be deployed independently. You can update a single service at a time and this reduces any risk by improving the speed of development.

  3. It helps the companies to better leverage the advantages offered by CICD, DevOps and Agile.

  4. A small cross team responsible for all the functions can manage all the services, which enable the team autonomy.

  5. It also helps to make the process scalable, flexible as well as leverage.

  6. It helps in high degree of fault isolation. So, in case a service fails or changes, it will not impact the other services.


So, these are the benefits of microservices. You can use this technique for your business needs, as it helps break down overall projects into smaller services, which helps the process run more smoothly. The benefits of this technology are quite impressive and they are taking over this industry day by day.