How to Sell a Fundraiser – Key Tips to Know

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( — April 12, 2019) — Raising awareness of your schools fundraiser needs constant reminding and motivating. A new season approaches and you’re wondering how to sell fundraisers better than the year before, but need to shake it up a little bit and get some fresh ideas. Here are some tips on how to sell fundraisers.

How to Sell Fundraisers

Make Contact with Other Groups

If there are schools within a close proximity from your campus, communicating about your events and merchandise may be good for either planning around each other or a little friendly competition. If you’re selling the same kind of merchandise you may want to just stagger the sale around the other schools. With special merchandise or more desired items, you can run the fundraisers concurrently with other high schools.

Get Everyone on the Same Page

Early on during the preparation of the fundraiser, hold meetings to delegate roles and keep everyone on track of their duties. Note how many volunteers you have and if you need more contribution elsewhere like parents and other faculty.

If you are using a fundraising company for merchandise to sell or another type of vendor, be sure you understand what is expected of you as well in terms of payment and selling quota.

Keep Parents and Community Aware

For the duration of the fundraiser, keep awareness by sending emails, flyers, marquee messages and updating the school website. Ask parents in the PTA to spread the word as well to their friends, family members and coworkers.

Kick Off the Project Right

A campus assembly or after school campus carnival is a great way to get the students and parents excited and informed about the fundraiser. Announce the fundraisers goal and how everyone can participate to help achieve it. Use incentives for motivation for all parties such as prizes for selling the most or having a chance to throw a pie in your favorite teachers face.  

Make the Mission Clear

When sending home a catalog of items for students to sell to their parents, make a cover letter that is informative and sends a clear message of what the monetary goal is and how that will be used to benefit the school or students. Don’t be vague and include each specific detail like dates, times, locations and contact numbers.

As the fundraiser goes on, update everyone on how much closer you are to your goal. The closer the goal is, the more attainable it seems. Parents will see the progress and want to help approach it faster.

Allow Cash Donations

Some families don’t want to put in the foot work or have very hectic schedules already and can’t focus on a school event. This doesn’t mean they aren’t willing or able to contribute to the goal. Allow for cash donations and don’t forget to send thank you letters when the goal is reached or at the end of the fundraiser.  

In Conclusion

As long as everyone understands their roles, parents are made aware and everyone is motivated to reach the target, selling the fundraiser then you will really know how to sell a fundraiser with no stress and a great outcome.