5 Things You Should Never Do in a Casino

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(Newswire.net — June 25, 2019) — Visiting a casino is a classic ‘big night out.’ It’s a social occasion we like to get dressed up for, and combine together with fine eating and drinking. Whether it’s with friends or partners, many of us like to visit the casino at least once a year. For those who’ve never been, there’s often a specific reason why. For some, it’s just a complete aversion to gambling. That only accounts for around thirty percent of all Americans, though. For the remainder, it’s usually down to concerns about what it is and isn’t appropriate to do when you’re in a casino. The last thing you want to do in sophisticated company is to look like a fool!

If you’ve never been to a casino before, but want to look like an experienced hand the first time you show up, you’ll need to know a few basic dos and don’ts. A little knowledge about the type of games on offer would help, too! That’s where online casinos can step in to assist you. Online casinos offer every type of slot game you’ll encounter in real life. A good slots game like Fluffy Favourites Slot will over virtual versions of roulette, poker, and slot games. Try a few from the safety of your own home, and when you’re comfortable with how they work, you’re ready to try it out in the flesh. 

Even then, though, there are a few general rules of conduct you should abide by. The most important thing you shouldn’t do in a casino is going ‘all in’ on your first bet and lose all of your money, but you probably had that bit worked out already! What you might not know about is general casino etiquette, and that’s why we’ve put this brief guide together to help you. 

  1. Do Not Tip During Games

Tipping is deeply ingrained in American culture. In a bar, a hotel, or a restaurant, when someone provides you with a service you’re expected to tip. You might, therefore, feel obliged to tip the croupier, bartender, or whoever’s working at your table. It’s not always appropriate to do so. There’s a reason why you use chips instead of cash at a professional casino table – handing cash directly to a dealer looks like a bribe, and some of your opponents might construe it as such. If you’re a generous person, and you’d like to tip your dealer, wait until the end of the game to do so. The customary time to tip them is when they come to the end of their shift, and sign off from your table. 

  1. Do Not Take Photographs

Unless you’re going to a casino that specifically says you’re allowed to do so – and they’re pretty rare – do not take photographs when you’re inside a casino, and especially not when you’re in the middle of a game. We know it’s 2019, and people like to take pictures of literally everything they do for the benefit of their social media followers, but casinos aren’t a photo-friendly environment. The reasons behind this are fairly simple, although some people struggle to understand them. If you start taking pictures in a casino, for all the establishment knows you’re a professional card shark who’s trying to gain an unfair advantage over other players. You could be trying to capture a picture of the cards in their hand, or their usual style of play. Some casinos have ‘official photographers’ in-house, who’ll capture a snap of you for a small fee. If you want a picture to remember the occasion by, that’s the way to do it. 

  1. Don’t Turn Up In Casual Clothing

We know most people would never dream of doing this, but there are some who still turn up to a casino wearing clothes that they’d go to the gym in. When they do turn up, they’re likely to be refused entry. Contrary to popular belief, not all casinos insist on tuxedos for men and ball gowns for women – although they very high-end ones still might. ‘Smart casual’ is the order of the day in most places. Casinos know that people might struggle to decide what to wear if they’re intending on visiting, so they often put dress code information on their website. Make sure you check it before you go out – that way you’re not running the risk of being under-dressed or overdressed.

  1. Keep Your Cards In One Hand

When you’re at a card table, it’s important to keep your hands under control. While you might want to wave at a friend when you see them passing, you might accidentally find yourself placing a bet when doing so. Both of your cards have a purpose during blackjack; one hand holds the cards, and the other confirms bets. Keep all your cards in one hand – if you move them between two, people are likely to accuse you of card-switching – and use the other to confirm if you want another card. Pointing at the table is a request for another card. Laying your hand flat tells the dealer you want to stick where you are. Sudden hand movements can confuse the dealer, and mark you out as an amateur in the process. 

  1. Don’t Turn Up Without Money

This sounds obvious, but when we say ‘money,’ we mean real cash. You can’t place a bet at a table – or in many of the machines – by using a bank card. Casinos run on cash, and so you’ll need to bring it in with you. Although the majority of casinos do have ATM facilities, they’re likely to charge for withdrawals. It’s more economical to make sure you have money on your person before you come through the door. There’s another upside to this – it gives you more control over how much you spend. If you have a budget for the evening and don’t want to go above it, all you need to do is withdraw the amount your willing to spend, and leave if the money runs out. You’re less likely to have regrets in the morning!