IDN Global Domain Name International Alphabet Referral Campaign Launched

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( — September 12, 2019) — A new campaign has been launched by WorldSite, helping entrepreneurs and freelancers to spread awareness of IDN domain names. Anyone signing up can refer customers and get 10% of their domain name purchase price, down through five levels of referrals.

A new campaign has been launched calling for entrepreneurs and freelancers to join the WorldSite IDN domain affiliate network. It gives people the chance to earn income through network marketing, getting 10% of the commission generated each year on their referrals’ purchases.

More information can be found at:

The new campaign allows more people to get involved in a global opportunity that can provide a range of benefits. Through selling the power of international domain names, entrepreneurs can open up the full power of the web while ensuring infinite additional income opportunities.

Today, the internet is undeniably global, but it was invented in the west and expanded powered by the English language. The foundations for the whole internet were laid in English, and all domain names for over 30 years have been made exclusively out of the English alphabet, hyphens and numbers.

While this is convenient for English speakers, it is less useful for international users, and it’s this imbalance that the new campaign aims to rectify. This is important, because the language barrier is one of the few factors limiting the growth of the internet.

The latest research shows that there are more than 2 billion people with access to the internet. Yet, that same data shows that Google, the most visited website in the world, gets 150,132,156 visitors every month.

That represents west over 7% of the global internet users, which means there is a huge proportion that are using other sites. These users want to get on the web using their own language.

Now, with the new campaign from WorldSite, this can be a reality for more internet users all across the world. A .WS WorldSite IDN solves the issue of global internet use, because it creates domains with letters outside the English alphabet.

This helps to solve issues for billions of people, and the last time this happened there was a historic boom, minting new millionaires daily. Now, with the campaign launch from WorldSite, there is a new opportunity for anyone to get involved in the new opportunity.

WorldSite states: “IDNs are creating an opportunity for everyone in the world, regardless of language or location, to be able to access the Internet in their native language.”

For those who believe in the power of a .WS IDN, they can sign up for the new affiliate program to get involved. They will get 10% commission on all domain purchases by someone they refer, down through five levels of referrals.

Full details of the campaign can be found on the URL above.