How to Use Instagram Proxy Account to Manage Multiple Product Accounts

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( — September 18, 2019) — It’s no wonder that Instagram became one of the most used and interactive social media platforms both for consumers and for marketers. And brands, marketers, entrepreneurs can take advantage of this platform and increase both their brand’s exposure and sales with the help of Instagram proxy. For example, brands can tailor their message and focus on providing a better value-proposition with the support of single-product accounts. That’s why you need to buy Instagram proxy services and automation tools like Jarvee or FollowLiker.

What are single-product accounts on Instagram

These are simple accounts through which marketers can assign a particular product or marketing message. Moreover, marketers can also create single-category pages. 

For example, Nike can have different accounts, one for running, another one for football and yet another one for tennis. 

In this simple way, brands can leverage Instagram’s visual impact and simplicity.

Why do you need an Instagram proxy

For this type of marketing campaign, marketers have to create and develop several tens or hundreds of accounts for their products, product category, or niches. That’s why marketers should buy proxies for Instagram and use them to login to the social network with the help of social media bots.

While some people consider this a black hat technique, in reality, the opposite stands true. There is nothing wrong with having multiple, independent social media accounts, each one tailored to a different message or audience. And marketers need proxies to be able to connect to the social network without risking having their accounts blocked. 

Why do you risk having your accounts blocked if you use the same IP? Instagram limit the number of accounts that can connect from the same device to 5. Hence, if your organization needs more accounts for your social media message, you should consider getting Instagram proxy IPs and bypass this restriction. 

Once you use proxies for social media, you need to connect each account through a different IP address. In this way, you protect and create a virtual barrier between your accounts. 

Moving on, let’s see what content you can promote with your multiple accounts connected via Instagram proxies and how to generate conversions. 

Content promotion

The type of content you should promote is in the name of this strategy. Use content tailored around a particular product or a specific category. 

Also, it’s best to post images not only of your product but also of your product’s uses. For example, if you promote office chairs, you can post pictures with your chairs in use. Moreover, you can even post videos with your products in use. 

When it comes to posting on Instagram, use your imagination. And because you manage multiple accounts through the Instagram proxy, you can also experiment more and perform split tests.

How to generate conversions/leads – more accounts more landing pages.

Instagram has this unique feature of allowing links only in an account’s bio. This restriction is an excellent thing for single product accounts, mainly if you use Instagram proxy and manage multiple accounts. 

You insert in the bio link the landing page of your product. And as you manage multiple accounts via proxies for Instagram, at any given time, you have several active links pointing to your landing pages. 

I think that you can now see the power of managing multiple single product accounts.

Who can use Instagram proxy services for single product accounts

Any business can do it. From restaurants to e-commerce websites and from real estate agents to SaaS companies, anyone needing to diversify and target their message through single product accounts can use Instagram proxies like those from SSLPrivateProxy. Once they create their accounts, they need proxies to connect each individual account through a different IP. And to manage all this setup, you will also need a social media automation tool like Jarvee or FollowLiker.