Have I Been Mis-Sold a Pension? Read This to Find Out

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(Newswire.net — October 24, 2019) — Financial mis-selling in the UK is a prominent issue which has hit the headlines time and time again. Cases of mis-selling, from Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) to mortgage agreements, have been a focus point for companies helping people claim back compensation. Depending on your circumstances and the type of advice you were given, you could well be one of those people who deserve a payout.

And it’s not small money – people with clear cases of pension mis-selling could be owed thousands of pounds – it’s just that many are either unaware they’re eligible or don’t know how to go about getting help. So how can you tell if you have fallen victim to the mis-selling scandal?

Top signs my pension was mis-sold to me

Of course, it’s not always clear from basic guidelines whether or not your case falls under the umbrella of mis-selling. It’s worth getting in touch with the professionals such as Expert Pension Claims in Manchester, as they can tell you in seconds whether or not your case stands. But to help you along, here are some signs that your case could be worth pursuing.

The terms and conditions were not fully explained 

Your financial adviser had a responsibility to make the terms and conditions very clear. If you feel like some things came as a surprise or that you were not fully made aware of everything, then you could have been mis-sold. Perhaps there were fees or charges that came as a surprise? Did you feel like information was kept from you?

You were advised to transfer your pension

According to Expert Pension Claims, there are not many instances where transferring your pension from a workplace scheme is a good move for you financially. In many cases of financial mis-selling and pension mis-selling, claimants were advised to move their funds from one place to another, ultimately leading to losses. If this sounds familiar, you could well be able to claim. 

You got the feeling of pushy salesmanship

Your financial advisor or bank has a responsibility to fully inform you of the facts without making you feel pushed or obliged towards certain decisions. If your experience gave you the feeling of pushiness or you felt for whatever reason that you were pressured into your decision, you could well be eligible for a mis-selling claim. 

What about other financial investments?

Of course, financial selling is not all about pension products. There is also an increasing number of people around the UK who are claiming for other types of financial mis-selling, such as mis-sold mortgages, or various types of high-risk investments. If you have invested money somewhere and you suspect you have been mis-sold, you can call Expert Pension Claims on 0161 968 0768 today for a quick chat, to find out.