Staying Safe and in Shape as a Senior

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( — December 17, 2019) — Getting old is not that much fun. Actually, on the contrary, it can be stressful at times. However, with these few tips getting older, can be a lot easier. 

The most important thing to staying young, is being active. Lots of people over the last few years are pushing off their retirement not so much because of the money, but because they want to stay active. Sitting at home all day causes the body to start getting lazy and that’s when things start becoming a problem. This is one reason why a senior can require the use of a portable commode or other assistive devices. 

Even after retirement, try to develop new hobbies, whether it be house work, drawing or outdoor work, always try to have something to do. Besides for the physical aspect, there is also a mental aspect to this, that knowing there is something to do when you get up in the morning. Always get exercise, so that your muscles will stay as strong as possible. 

Some people who are beyond retirement and are already in their golden years, there are many things to do to not just stay active but to stay healthy. The biggest and most important thing is to make sure a senior doesn’t fall and hurt themselves. So many times, when that does happen, things start to fall apart. So many parts of the house can be dangerous and must be fixed. There shouldn’t be anything that a senior can trip and fall on. 

The most important room in the house is the bathroom. Statistics show that the bathroom is the number one place where seniors fall and hurt themselves. Sometimes you don’t even have to renovate the room, all you have to do is make sure the right equipment is installed. Even if the senior is mobile, a shower transfer bench which helps getting in and out of the shower, can be a tremendous help. This ensures that they won’t have to step in and out of the shower, risking a fall, rather the bench helps them safely getting in and out.