(Newswire.net — December 30, 2019) — Internet develops with crazy speed. From year to year search engine systems become smarter and SEO-experts implement new techniques to adapt websites to new web-requirements. The methods of analyzing web-content change and there appear new SEO optimization trends. To maintain high positions and traffic, follow these tendencies. At the beginning of 2020, we’re going to predict SEO future. So, let’s overview Top-10 tendencies to help every SEO company to save its traffic and increase competitiveness in 2020.
#1 – Focus on Mobile Devices.
People are used to applying mobile devices to look for needed info on Global Net. Search engines analyze the frequency of visiting web pages via mobile devices and “prefer” the most adaptable websites. These mechanisms also check the convenience and quality of the navigation bar, main buttons, text, media, and page loading speed on mobile devices and use these criteria for web rankings.
#2 – Special Structure & High Value of Texts.
Content is the lifeblood of SEO, that’s why good texts always are crucially important. But search patterns become more strict and SEO-experts will have to hire those who can write interesting, engaging texts and follow the rules of the structure. To be in SERP each web-page must deliver a concrete message for user, answer hisher specific question and match search requests. Modern search mechanisms evaluate not only keywords but all sentences, thus you should write valuable texts that meet all the requirements.
#3 Use Variable Kinds of Content.
Don’t you think that creating website content means only writing SEO-texts? Hope, you don’t. Consumers prefer visual effects and search mechanisms take it into account. So hurry-up and include catchy pictures and engaging videos in your content-plan. Services like Google aim to show users all possible results: videos, articles, pictures, FAQs, etc. If your web-page contains all this stuff, it would be at the top.
#4 – Learn Programming.
Improve UX, identify the webpage speed problem, fix it, rewrite the links, etc. These and many other programming skills SEO-experts will have to learn in 2020. It will be harder to reach top-results without deep knowledge of search algorithms basics. Also, SEO-professionals will have to know how to work with the internal code of the site, robots.txt, redirects, sitemap, microdata. Some skills SEOs already use, but the rest of them are difficult.
#5 – Voice Search.
Yes, we forget about it all the time but it exists and is becoming more and more spread. People send voice messages and use voice searches and it’s already a habit. The difference between ordinary SEO and SEO for voice searches is obvious. Written requests are short phrases and are ranked by keywords, whereas voice requests usually are complete sentences. Voice search queries optimization is new and difficult, thus it requires extra skills from SEO-experts.
#6 – New Algorithms and Aims.
Google becomes more clever and excellently identifies low-quality websites. Now, to dominate in SERP you have to adapt a website to BERT algorithms, to “persuade” search structures that the architecture of your web-resource is pure, texts and media are original and informative for readers. Now, it’s not enough to analyze the frequency of the keywords and paste the best ones in the text. They should be relative to this text, fit the context, and deliver customers concrete messages.
#7 – Brand`s Position.
Website authority and company ’s reputation will also greatly influence SEO 2020. Currently, the whole world is struggling with fake news because information about politics, celebrities, recent events, shocking facts is shown above less important content, and many dishonest websites speculate on it.
#8 – Geotargeting.
People regularly use geolocation on their devices to increase the efficiency of information retrieval. In 2020 it’ll be very important to create websites with clear locations, especially if your service is associated with some kind of physical place. Your company may not be the most popular in the world but it will be displayed at the top as the closest option for the user.
#9 – Extended Snippets.
Every experienced SEO-expert or Internet-marketer would confirm that snippet is the evidence of website quality. If the answer to your question is already in the snippet, you click on this link to get more relevant info. That’s why in 2020 copywriters will continue writing informative content to “get” snippets and stay in Google-Top.
#10 – Use Different Types of Writing Techniques.
Next year, the main focus will remain on text quality. It will be necessary to diversify the forms of information submission, and here you will need the skills of a journalist. Google, Yandex, DuckDuckGo and other systems continuously are seeking new approaches to optimize search processes and show only important content. Thus the emphasis is gradually shifting from technical component to valuable and relative content.
Final Words
It is impossible to predict all future trends. But you shouldn’t forget about all the items mentioned above when optimizing your service. Bear in mind all our recommendations or perform SEO order on our website. We’re always ready to provide you with extra pieces of advice for SEO 2020, reach us on the phone or check our SEO agency pricing online. We’re always at your service!