Multiple Studies Found Some Habits Trigger Diabetes

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( — February 21, 2020) Orlando, FL — Today, it is hard to deny that the prevalence of diabetes continues to increase. Since the condition stays incurable, it is wise to learn how to reduce the risk of the condition.

Scientists have long revealed that poor eating habits or carrying excess weight increases diabetes risk. 

However, there are daily habits not many people are aware of that surprisingly increases the likelihood of the condition. Individuals who are not coffee-drinkers are found to be more susceptible to the condition.

In a Harvard study, it has been found that those who consumed six cups of coffee per day had a reduced diabetes risk by 33 percent than non-coffee drinkers. 

Researchers theorized this could be due to the components of coffee that decrease insulin resistance and boost glucose metabolism.

In a Korean study, scientists reveal that those who stay up late are more prone to the condition. This stays true even if they are able to get seven to eight hours of sleep per day.

According to study author Nan Hee Kim, MD, night owls tend to be exposed to higher levels of artificial light from televisions and cell phones.

This is a habit that is associated with lower insulin sensitivity and poorer blood sugar regulation.

Managing diabetes may be made through the help of some macrominerals like magnesium. This powerful healing mineral works wonders inside the body to enhance its protection and health.

While there are medications available in managing diabetes, it is important to understand that this condition and overall health are better managed with some nutrients like magnesium involved.

According to researchers, it has been theorized that individuals with diabetes have low magnesium levels in their blood, and this means as low as about 48 percent 

Health experts warn against this as it could lead to impairment in the ability of insulin to control blood sugar levels. Some other research studies have suggested that individuals with reduced magnesium intake have an increased risk of diabetes. 

There have been quite a number of studies carried out to investigate the effects of magnesium on diabetes. In a study, the investigators tracked over 4,000 individuals for 20 years. 

At the end of the study, it has been found that those with the highest magnesium intake were less susceptible to diabetes by 47 percent. 

While more studies are still underway to explore more of magnesium’s diabetes-fighting benefits, its regular use has long been recommended. It can be obtained through some foods or supplements, but there are also sprays available.

One is Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil Spray, which continues to gain popularity and trust from consumers (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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