Dress Shirts for Men: Tucked versus Untucked

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(Newswire.net — February 16, 2020) —

I think that is what Shakespeare was going with. Many have fallen victim to the decade’s old debate which shirt do you tuck in which do you leave out. If we were celebrities, we would have a team that spends their lives/careers deciding this for us. But for us ordinary people you have a 50/50 chance of getting this right until now. 

Growing up, our parents tucked in all of our shirts. It was what made us look cute sweaters, t-shirts, button-up, some people even tucked in baby bibs, but now as an adult, what do you do? When do you tuck in your shirt? What’s the event? You only get one shot at this, don’t mess it up. A rather meek and unassuming act can get you categorized at first glance. Have you seen those people who wear button-up shirts are way too long but have it untucked it looks so out of place and unkempt, or people who have their shirts too short and they look like they have no system or idea what they are doing? Many think tuck equal business and untucked means casual. NO! It is way more than that. 

With it seeming like there are so many rules for something that is so surface, let this be your guide to deciding on what you should do. 

Shirts with flat bottoms like a polo, undershirt, Hawaiian shirt or shirt, denim these are worn untucked UNLESS it’s a fashion statement. There are rules to a fashion trend, so don’t comment saying you saw George Clooney wear his t-shirt tucked, a Fashion Week model tucked in his Hawaiian shirt, or Kanye West wearing an oversized button-up shirt untucked. Because chances are, you may not be either of those three people, but if you are, Hey guys, you are doing a great job, but generally speaking, if the hem is flat wear if out. 

Shirts that are usually tucked in are your business dress shirts, work shirts, flannels, and long-sleeved shirts that you wear with cufflinks. 

Size Does Matter

Dress shirts for men that area at mid fly, around 26.5 inches long are meant to be untucked. Longer than that you tuck your shirt in.  If your shirt reaches past the middle of your back pocket, tuck it, we are trying to help you people. There’s a reason the brand untuck it is worth over 500 million dollars, because many people have no idea when to untuck or tuck in their shirt. So they made it easy, here, our entire shirt collection is meant to be untucked. 

What are you trying to let people know? A tucked-in business shirt gives a “we mean business” look a tucked in a t-shirt might be Geek sheek an untucked shirt might look messy or its that perfect length to get the breeze hitting your back on your casual Friday day at the office. DO you have an interview? Date night with your mate’s parents? Or are you invited to a wedding or the Oscars (I don’t know who you are, you might be cool like that), then TUCK your shirt like a grown-up! Casual gathers, office parties, or just a night on the town, you can untuck it, let it loose, ENJOY! Also, if your shirt was tucked at one point, do not untuck it later on because there will be wrinkles showing, and that’s not a good look for you or a pleasant sight to see for anyone to see. 

“But what if I’m wearing a blazer now what do I do?” 

“What about under my sweater? I saw someone on GQ do that.”

Layers are fun and go by taste. Depending on the fit of the shirt, you can go both ways. You want your layer to look on purpose, not you just trying to keep warm. Every color, every article of clothing has a purpose and reason; therefore, it should look that way. No matter what you do, wear it with confidence, and have fun.