Are you Selling Your Home in the Spring? Here are 5 Reasons Why you Should.

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( — February 16, 2020) — The real estate market comes alive in the spring months. Typically, from March through July, there are buyers and sellers everywhere. It’s a great time to sell your home if you are looking to make top dollar and get your home sold fast.

If you are toying with the idea of selling in the spring or possibly waiting, check out the five reasons you shouldn’t delay.

  1. There’s More Time

Let’s face it, everyone is busy today. With shorter (darker) days, we all get less done including looking at houses on the market. With longer and brighter days, there’s more time to get people into your home. Take advantage of the warmer weather and longer days and market your home for sale – you’ll get much more traction than you would during the winter months.

  1. Your House Will Look Better

Spring cleaning is a real thing and it can help you sell your home. Think about it, when are you most likely to have a clean and decluttered home – during the dark winter days or bright spring days? There’s just something about spring that makes us spruce things up both inside and outside our home. When you’re selling your home curb appeal is one of the biggest factors. Freshly planted flowers and a newly manicured lawn easily make your home more appealing. 

  1. There’s More Competition

You want more buyers in the market when you sell for a few reasons. First, it obviously gives you more chances to sell your home fast. The more people that walk through it, the higher your chances are of someone falling in love with it. However, when there’s more competition, you have a better chance of getting a higher price for the home.

When there are a lot of buyers, there’s a better chance of a bidding war. Buyers want to outbid one another in an effort to buy the home. Of course, they can’t bid more than the home’s fair market value or they’ll have trouble getting financing, but you’ll have a better chance of getting the full listing price for your home.

  1. Spring is Better for Buyers

While this is a post about why it’s better to sell in the spring, it’s better for buyers too and that benefits you. Buying a home in the springtime gives buyers plenty of time to get settled in before the next school year. Even buyers that don’t have kids prefer the springtime because they don’t have to worry about muddling through the winter and dealing with the cold, wet weather. 

With summer around the corner, most people are more relaxed and able to get settled in their home. Relaxed buyers equal more willing buyers because they are better able to see their future, get settled in their home, and create the environment they want. When you have less stressed buyers, the entire process can go smoother for everyone.

  1. Easier for you to Move Too

Let’s not forget, when you sell a home, you are a buyer too. You have to move somewhere. Moving in the springtime/summertime is much easier for you especially if you get top dollar for your home. You’ll have more money to use on your new home decorating it and creating the home you desire in your new location.

While you can sell a home during any time of the year, springtime is a great opportunity. You’ll have more competition and more ways to sell your home whether to a buyer with mortgage financing or a cash buyer.

Spring is the time when many sellers think about putting their homes on the market. Don’t wait for others to jump the gun – get a head start and list your home today. After staging your home and preparing it for buyers to walk through, you can have the advantage of being one of the first homes listed for the spring market. Home staging can greatly increase the marketability of a home, making it more appealing to potential buyers and potentially leading to a quicker sale. By highlighting the best features of the home and creating a welcoming and visually appealing atmosphere, Mississauga Home Staging can help potential buyers envision themselves living in the space, leading to a higher likelihood of offers and a potentially higher selling price. Getting that head start can help you sell your home faster before other sellers catch on and start listing their homes too.