How Long Does it Take to Rank Up in the Army?

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( — February 18, 2020) —

Those serving in the Army have numerous responsibilities, but to encourage a strong work ethic, there is the ability to move up in  Army ranks – something that comes with plenty of benefits. How long it takes to rank up in the Army though depends on a handful of things, such as if the soldier has met the necessary service requirements and has served at least a few months in their current position.

The Different Army Grades

The Army is broken up into different ranks within three grades that vary in their responsibilities. The ranks indicate the amount of time a soldier has served as well as any feats they have accomplished during their enlistment. These three main grades are enlisted ranks, warrant officer ranks, and officer ranks.

What Determines if a Soldier Will Move Up a Rank?

How long it will take someone to move up to a different Army rank depends on a few things.

Service Requirements

One of the main things the Army will look at when determining if someone can move up a rank is if they have met or exceeded their current service requirements. These requirements range and are based on the current grade the soldier is in.

The Amount of Time They Have Served

Another aspect that will be looked at is how long the soldier has served. For most lower ranks, if a service member has been in their current position for at least six months, they can move up to a new rank. Eventually, over the course of a few years, a soldier can reach a significantly higher position.

How Many Service Points They Have Earned

Soldiers will earn service points during their tenure. All of these are eventually added up and once a certain amount is reached that person can move up a rank.

If They Have Previous Qualifications

Previous qualifications, such as enrollment in an ROTC course or at least two years of VOTEC training, can help someone quickly move to a higher rank, such as Private First Class, when they join the Army. These qualifications show commitment to the military and its training regime and allow someone to be ranked a little higher when they first enter the Army than they would otherwise be had they not done so.

How Long it Takes for a Soldier to Move Up Ranks in the Army

Lower ranks in the Army can quickly move up to new ones within a few months. However, as a service member reaches a new grade, this can take a little more time.

To become a sergeant, a soldier must serve for at least 36 months in a primary zone and 18 months in a secondary zone, but a commander can forgo these requirements for someone if they feel that they have earned the spot.

The amount of time to become a staff sergeant is around 84 months in a primary zone and 48 months in a secondary zone.

Exceptions to Moving Up in Ranks

While most soldiers can quickly move up in their ranks, there are a few exceptions. If someone was barred from reenlistment, they are unable to go up to a different rank. On the other hand, if someone had their rank reduced, they must use a waiver in order to try moving up a rank again.


A soldier in the Army has the ability to quickly move up to different ranks. However, the amount of time required to do so is based on a few things, such as if they have met their service requirements. By doing so, a soldier can move up to a new rank within a few months.