Doctors Now Recommend Some Healthy Habits to Lower Blood Pressure

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( — February 28, 2020) Orlando, FL — Health care providers have been strongly recommending resorting to the measures necessary in managing healthy blood pressure levels. While there are hypertension medications available, it is always wise to practice healing habits to manage or prevent the onset of the condition.

According to researchers, hypertension could trigger the onset of various health issues. This particularly includes kidney failure, strokes, vision loss, and heart attacks.

Philip Palutsis, MD, says that reassuringly, however, you have the power to control your blood pressure if it’s not in a healthy range.

Palutsis is a family practice physician with the Rush Oak Park Physicians Group Anchor.

Individuals who are overweight are strongly advised to shed extra pounds. This is due to the fact that blood pressure levels increase with weight. 

Experts further recommend having a healthy diet. This means consuming fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy than saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol-rich foods. 

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is one eating plan highly recommended in fighting hypertension.

It is similarly important to reduce salt intake and just turn to the use of herbs and spices while preparing food. Experts also warn against excessive alcohol consumption and living a sedentary lifestyle. 

It has long been revealed that some nutrients like magnesium have some remarkable blood pressure lowering benefits.

Multiple previous studies have demonstrated the importance of magnesium for overall human health. This therapeutic mineral could work wonders in protecting the body against diseases and improving overall health.

Scientists carried out a study and it involved intake of 450 mg of magnesium per day. It has been found such treatment led to a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

In another study, magnesium has been found to be helpful in reducing blood pressure among those with hypertension. This means it could be particularly beneficial for individuals with the condition.

While more studies are still underway, it is important to remember that magnesium has long been recommended due to its significance to health. 

Health authorities have long warned against the deficiency of this mineral. When the body lacks adequate amounts of magnesium, it could be more susceptible to symptoms and various diseases.

There are highly recommended foods loaded with magnesium that consumers may turn to. There are also products like Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil, which has been gaining increasing attention and trust from consumers.

This amazing spray delivers magnesium more efficiently and safely via the skin (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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