Summer Nutrition and Exercise Tips From Jack Debrabander

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( — March 11, 2020) — Summer is the best time to lose your dreaded belly fat and those love handles. Jack Estes DeBrabander, one of the leading health and fitness experts, believes that your physique is 80% of what you eat and 20% of exercise. If you exercise regularly but end up eating fries and burgers, you will never be able to lose weight quickly. Jack is a celebrity fitness trainer with more than ten years of experience in the fitness industry. 

Jack DeBrabander is very blunt when it comes to commenting on the way people diet and exercise. In one of his fitness classes, Jack explained why you need to eat healthy food and combine it with regular exercise to hasten your weight loss process. He strongly supports the fact that you should end your day at a lower calorie count than the day before. This holds the key to reaching your target weight in as little time as possible.

Jack also expresses his concerns over the fad diets that thousands of people follow in the hope of losing weight. You shouldn’t fall for such traps because more often than not, you end up gaining weight instead of losing it.

Here are a few summer nutrition tips from Jack that actually work:

  • First of all, you need to understand which foods work best in your body. It will vary from person to person. Therefore, if your colleague benefits from soy products, that doesn’t mean you also need to follow his/her routine. Finding the right combination of healthy foods can drop your weight significantly. 
  • Summer is the time when you drink lots of smoothies and milkshakes. You usually put ice-cream, fruit, and other things in it to make it tasty. This may satisfy your taste buds but it will increase your love handles instead of reducing them. Jack explains that cutting down sugar in your morning coffee, avoiding aerated drinks, not consuming alcohol, all contribute to weight loss.

Balancing food and exercise

Celebrity fitness trainer, Jack DeBrabander, has already shared tons of videos telling his followers how to lose weight without sacrificing an enjoyable lifestyle. He believes that you shouldn’t make your life miserable only to look good on Facebook and Instagram photos. Apart from following the above nutrition tips, Jack also has different suggestions when it comes to exercising.

Jack enjoys exercising more than anything else. He says that exercising involves physical exertion. You can achieve that in various ways instead of following traditional exercising moves like pushups, bench presses, etc. Jack focuses on activities that make you want to practice every day. For example, he recommends pilates, surfing, kayaking, or yoga to his gym clients instead of asking them to follow complicated exercise poses. 

He believes in balancing your life and staying active. This combination should include three things: healthy living, healthy eating, and selecting exercises that you genuinely love to do. When you love something, you automatically feel like doing it. That can help attain your fitness goals much quicker than any crazy fad diet.