How to Improve Your Customer Service

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( — April 6, 2020) — Customer service is an area that all businesses need to focus on. Even if you have the best products/services available and at good value for money, you will never attract or retain customers if you have a bad reputation for customer service. People need to feel important and listened to, yet in today’s digital age there are too many brands that are hard to contact or provide a poor standard of customer service. With this in mind, here are a few tips for improving customer service which could help to boost your reputation and give you a competitive edge.

Offer A Live Chat Service

Having a few different options for customer service is worthwhile because everyone has a preferred method with many people disliking the phone but not wanting to have to wait for an email response. This is where live chat on the company website is the perfect solution because people can quickly get their questions answered without having to pick up the phone. Additionally, you should use social media messaging as another form of live chat too.

Create Connections

Too often in today’s digital age does dealing with a business feel cold and indifferent. This is why small businesses that build connections and humanize their brand often find such great success and develop a positive reputation. There are many ways that you can do this, such as:

  • Using the customer’s name
  • Using a friendly tone of writing
  • Personalized emails
  • Handwritten thank-you notes with orders
  • Holiday cards

Call Center Software

Having a team of customer service agents is key for staying on top of customer service, but it can also be challenging for them, especially when you have multiple channels like live chat, social media, email and phone. The best call center software can support multiple channels and come with handy features like automatic dialer, automatic call distribution, interactive voice response and other handy features which can make this demanding work easier for your customer service team.

Team Development

Leading on from this, you need to take the time to hire the right people for the job and these are people that are sociable, confident and calm under pressure. You also need to train, develop and support your customer service team so that they can provide high-quality customer service and feel happy in their role.

Reward Loyal Customers

Customer retention is critical for success and also valuable for building a positive reputation. One of the best ways to achieve customer retention is through a loyalty program with personalized offers which will encourage them to use your business again.

Learn From Mistakes

Finally, you won’t always get it right and there are sure to be a few mistakes along the way. The key is to learn from these mistakes, to be honest and upfront with your customer and to take prompt action to rectify the situation to a high standard.

Follow these tips and you will improve your customer service and enjoy the many great benefits that this can bring, including creating stronger connections with your target customer.