Scientists Now Warn Some Household Chemicals Could Trigger Heart Disease

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( — May 20, 2020) Orlando, FL — An increasing number of research studies are pointing out some of the most common and potential causes of heart disease. Unfortunately, many of these can be found inside homes. 

According to scientists, highest levels of toxins like perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. 

In the United States, it has been found that up to 98 percent of use nonstick cookware manufactured with perfluorooctanoic acid.

Previous research has even shown a link between exposure to PFOA and unhealthy levels of cholesterol as well as the development of heart disease. However, it is not known yet exactly why these chemicals pose health hazards. 

Researchers further warn that the highest PFOA levels also were linked with 78 percent higher likelihood of peripheral artery disease.

Dr. Anoop Shankar, says that high levels of PFOA and cardiovascular disease coexisted for some reason.

Dr. Shankar, lead study author and an epidemiologist at the West Virginia University School of Public Health in Morgantown.

The study was published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Experts strongly stress the importance of taking some preventive measures against heart disease. There are many ways to do this such as following healthy dietary and lifestyle practices.

As the prevalence of heart disease soars, more and more experts are looking into the therapeutic goodness of some natural remedies like bromelain for heart health.

Scientists have found that bromelain works wonders in addressing the root cause of heart disease, which is blood platelet aggregation. The use of this natural remedy has been found to not just halt blood platelet aggregation but also prevent clot formation.

A study has even shown that it could aid in decreasing heart cell death and enhancing recovery after a heart attack or stroke. It is further worth mentioning this natural healing remedy has also been found to offer many other benefits.

One of the most potent and pure supplements to consider using today is Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics & Prebiotics.

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