WordPress Hosting Specifics

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(Newswire.net — May 27, 2020) — WordPress started off as a simple blogging tool but grew to be a versatile platform for creating all kinds of websites. Today, the most popular content management system is responsible for over 35% of all site traffic over the Web.

Web hosts quickly realized that WP is going to be something special and duly adapted to the new situation. Some simply masked their shared deals using the new buzzword, but others did specific optimizations to best run the CMS.

That’s how we got the first WordPress hosting packages.

What is WordPress Hosting?

In a typically shared server environment, the host will set you up with a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is optimized to run hundreds of different apps. But each software has its own specific needs, so a standard setup just won’t cut it.

WordPress hosting simply outlines the process of specific hardware and software optimizations that aim to maximize the performance of WP-based websites.

One can argue that any server supporting the latest PHP and MySQL versions is able to run the most popular CMS, but there is so much more to it.

Advantages of WordPress Hosting

Top WordPress providers utilize servers that are configured to best run WP websites. Their services can include:

  • Software and plugin installation- Setting up WordPress is not such a big deal, but why not save time and possible headaches by leaving it to the professionals? 
  • Staging area- Building a website is a continuous process, and you’ll be making all kinds of changes to perfect it. Reliable WordPress hosts will ensure you have a staging area where you can test your edits without affecting the live site.
  • Security enhancements — WordPress comes with out-of-the-box security, but you can do so much more to protect your website. Good WordPress hosting providers often include preinstalled plugins, a web application firewall (WAF), and advanced DDoS protection as part of their deals.
  • Core and Plugin Updates — Hackers easily find vulnerabilities in old software and plugin instances, and WordPress is the most common victim. Site owners have to be on a constant lookout for new updates and apply them whenever possible. That is, if they don’t have a WP host doing it automatically for them.
  • Dedicated WordPress Support — When you’re good at everything, you’re a master of none. WordPress hosts train their staff with the specifics of this particular CMS, allowing them to become experts in the field. They can then use this know-how in your direct benefit.

How to Choose Your WordPress Hosting Provider?

So far, so good, but now we need to learn how to spot the right host from the hundreds of competitors out there.

  1. Outline your needs – What kind of website are you looking to build with WordPress? How big would it be? Anything specific you are looking to install? Knowing what you need beforehand will help you shortlist some candidates. 
  2. Check package features – Compare your mission-critical requirements with your host offers and see if the provider checks all the boxes. Are there any value-added extras that can further boost your site performance
  3. Test server speeds -Most WordPress hosting providers grant users a free trial, and you can use that time to do some tests. Third-party benchmark tools like GTMetrix and Pingdom will quickly show if your server is inherently flawed. You can even pick a few hosts and compare page load times to determine which is the fastest. 
  4. Look for reliable support — Make sure your future host knows WordPress inside and out. Even though technical assistance is mostly available for existing clients, you can get a good idea of what to expect from a sales conversation as well. Don’t be afraid to try the live chat, phone, emails — whatever your provider offers.
  5. Read online reviews — Things might look perfect on the outside, but only existing clients know the full picture. It’s a good idea to check online reviews and see if there are any common issues you should be looking out for.

Considering all of this, we have found Scala Hosting to be a leading WordPress hosting provider with all the qualities needed to run a WP website smoothly.

Clients utilize SPanel to run their online projects. The proprietary hosting management tool comes as a great alternative cPanel, letting you easily install software, apply security measures, perform backups, and much more.

SPanel is freely available on any of Scala Hosting’s managed VPS solutions.


Apart from being the most popular, WordPress continues to be one of the fastest-growing site-building platforms, welcoming thousands of new users every day. Even large enterprises like Disney, Sony, and BBC America all trust WP for their online presence.

While any Linux host would be sufficient enough to run the CMS, there are a few that go the extra mile to configure their services for optimal WordPress performance.

Hopefully, this guide will help you find them.