Finding Recipes for the Keto Diet

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( — June 8, 2020) —

In the past few years the keto diet has become incredibly popular. There are several reasons for this. The first is that most people drop weight when they go keto. Our society really loves fitness and weight loss, so that can be a big deal for many people. The second reason that people adopt a ketogenic diet is for health reasons. For example, people with diabetes often find it easier to control their blood sugar when eating a low-carb, ketogenic diet. It’s been noted as especially effective for people with Type 2 diabetes. In some cases, they have even reversed their condition.

Subscription Service

The keto diet has gone mainstream, more or less, in the past few years. It’s become easier than ever before to find great new keto recipes. One way to get new keto recipes is through a subscription service. Often known as a cycle, these services typically provide people with recipes and personalized programs. A great example of this is KetoCycle. Some home delivery services will drop off ingredients or even complete keto meals to their subscribers. Green Chef is an example of a home delivery service that offers keto meals.

Lifestyle Website

Lifestyle websites like GOOP can also be a good source for keto recipes. Gwyneth Paltrow is best known for acting. However, she also loves food and has written several cookbooks. Her website includes interviews with and recipes from leading figures in the culinary and diet worlds. For example, people like Dr Josh Axe have provided recipes and interviews for her site. These can be a great tool for people who are beginners or who have already been eating keto for a while already. Find a lwebsite that you like, and use it as your source for new ideas. 

Recipe Sites

Recipe sites like allrecipes are a great source, too. That’s hardly surprising given the name. Allrecipes curates lists of great keto recipes and sometmes even promotes them on the front page of the website. They also have plenty of keto recipes available through their search function. The best thing about allrecipes is that it allows people to comment on recipes that others have shared to the site. That means readers can hear about results from trying to make the recipes. They see what worked and what didn’t for other keto dieters. If they had to make changes or substitutions to a recipe, they’ll all be logged on the site. Reading those comments can be a wonderful way to pick up general cooking tips.

Online Communities 

There are whole online communities where people share their stories of going keto and how it’s working for them. A great example of this is /r/keto on There are people at all stages of the keto journey there, from beginners to experts. This community only features people who are interested in the diet. It includes tips, recipes and success stories. One of the best things about the community is that people share how the diet is helping them, whether that means pure weight loss or improved symptoms from a disease. This can be a great place to get ideas and support for staying keto, even if you’re looking to combine your keto journey with other alternatives like intermittent fasting. Find out more at

Social Media 

Finally, different types of social media are an incredible source for tips on staying keto and relevant recipes. Pinterest is a great place to look at keto recipes. Facebook offers groups where people share recipes that help them stick to the diet. Instagram is another place to look for recipes, both in-progress and completed. Instagram and YouTube make it easy to watch keto recipes being made. YouTube in particular has changed the way all people cook. Their content creators are a great source for techniques, ingredient ideas and more.

Finding keto recipes has never been easier. The development of the internet has made it easy for people to share about this diet in ways that were never possible years ago. Today, instead of being a curiosity, keto is a popular way to eat and live. It’s very easy to find resources devoted to making simple keto meals.