The Pandemic Is Getting Worse in Brazil

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( — July 8, 2020) — The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone and even though much of the attention surrounding this global health crisis has been paid to the United States, Europe, and Asia, South America is impacted as well. One of the countries that is now feeling the sting the most is Brazil. The healthcare resources in this country have been stretched thin and they are in desperate need of supplies. This includes facemasks, hand sanitizer, and more. The hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed, so it is incumbent on everyone to try to find ways to mitigate the spread of this virus. This will help get the COVID-19 pandemic back under control.

Right now, the COVID-19 pandemic is getting worse. Brazil is at risk of being overwhelmed, as even the President, Jair Bolsonaro, has contracted the virus. As a close ideological ally of Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro downplayed the threat of the virus. At one point, he even dismissed it, calling it the “little flu.” Now, it appears that he has been faced with the gravity of his mistake, as he was diagnosed with the virus after days of feeling severely ill and under the weather. Hopefully, his diagnosis is going to help wake him up and show him just how severe the situation is getting in this country. For many Brazilians, it is already too late.

Even though the government has done a lot to downplay the severity of the virus, there are others who are stepping up to the plate. There are charities that have worked hard to respond to the increased demand for some of the most basic necessities. This includes food, water, masks, and hand sanitizer. One of the charities that has exemplified the spirit of togetherness during this difficult time is Instituto Dana Salomão. Instituto Dana Salomão is a charity that is led by Maia Ben Toguchi. Maia  has been working hard to recruit others to help her and Instituto Dana Salomão meet the massive demand that is present throughout the country.

Right now, the Instituto Dana Salomão are doing everything they can form within Brazil. Jacob Maslow, who works with this charity from Israel, reports that he has already personally shipped hundreds of masks and hand gels to Brasilia, which is the federal district of Brazil. In Brazil, the federal district is one of the hot spots. As quickly as Instituto Dana Salomão can generate supplies through donations, this charity is handing it out once again. In addition, Instituto Dana Salomão has been working to not only donate masks and hand gel but also educate others regarding the most important guidelines they should be following to reduce the spread. This includes social distancing, staying inside when possible, and wearing masks when out in public.

While the effort that has been put in by Instituto Dana Salomão and Maia Ben Toguchi as well as Jacob Maslow has been admirable, they are in need of assistance. Jacob and Maia are calling for anyone who can spare any supplies to donate should ship it to Instituto Dana Salomão as soon as possible. Food, water, masks, and hand gel are all welcome. Even a small donation could end up saving the life of someone in Brazil.

While Instituto Dana Salomão and Maia Tiane are fighting hard, there is no denying that the situation in Brazil is getting worse. The hospitals are in danger of being overrun by sick people in need of medical care. Therefore, everyone has to do what they can to flatten the curve and protect healthcare workers during this difficult time.