Garbage Clean Up Technology Anti-Poverty Program For Women Launched

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( — September 23, 2020) — An innovative garbage collection and reduction technology that also provides job opportunities for women in poverty globally has been launched by a US-based non-profit.

A 501(c) non-profit Earth Clean Solutions has launched a proprietary technology that reduces the volume of garbage and offers an alternative source of livelihood for impoverished women around the world.

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Based in Butte, Montana, Earth Clean Solutions offers a technology that collects, shreds, freezes, and pulverizes solid waste, including plastics. After garbage is pulverized, the resulting powder is mixed with chemicals that convert it into fuel and clean water. According to the group, this fuel can power the ships used to collect ocean garbage.

Earth Clean Solutions said that its process can reduce the volume of solid waste by as much as 98%.

This solution also doubles as a poverty reduction program for millions of women across the globe. The group plans to offer impoverished women with a way of earning through by helping cleaning up garbage. These women will be paid directly using a cryptocurrency model developed by Earth Clean Solutions founder Dr. Philip Milanovich.

This livelihood component will be made available in the third or fourth quarter of 2021.

As a non-profit, the organization will rely on donations to fund the program. Donations to Earth Clean Solutions can be made through electronic fund transfer, online donation, or mail.

The group’s technology was developed by its founder and multiple-patent holder Dr. Philip Milanovich after seeing how unreliable existing technology was in solving the garbage problem at a fast enough rate and big enough scale. The development of his method also paved the way for the creation of a livelihood program for poor women in different parts of the world.

BBC reported in 2019 that the world produces over two billion tons of solid waste annually, with Americans producing three times the global average per capita. The same report also said that the US lags behind when it comes to recycling, only managing to recycle 35% of the solid waste it generates.

According to Dr. Milanovich, his technology can also help clean up the massive collection of marine debris called the Great Pacific garbage patch, which is currently covering an estimated area of 1.5 million square kilometers in the Pacific Ocean. “Those who will be investing in this technology will be taking the first step in cleaning up this seemingly insurmountable problem that has been plaguing our waters for the past 50 years,” he said.

Those who want to donate or learn more about Earth Clean Solutions’ technology can visit the URL above.