Top 10 Things to Do To Prepare for Moving Day

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( — August 21, 2020) — The thought of a new house excites you, but thinking about the actual move already stresses you out. This shouldn’t be the case when you follow these helpful tips below. 

Take an Inventory and Number Your Boxes

This is an absolute must before you get everything packed! As you pack your items into boxes, make a thorough list of all of them. This step is for a two-fold reason. If something is not there upon arrival, you will know which box is missing. Not only will you know which box is missing but also which items exactly have been misplaced. Lost or stolen items can then be dealt with appropriately.

Call for Services

It can be very frustrating to get all moved in and realize that you have to wait for certain services like water or the internet to be turned on. Get a step ahead of the game and call the day before you leave to set up an appointment for these companies to initiate their services the day you arrive in your new home.

Pack Overnight Bag

Having to dig through boxes to find pajamas and a toothbrush on your first night in your new home is not ideal. Pack a bag that travels with you to your new place filled with everything you will need to get comfortable after a long day of driving and unpacking.

Prep Food

Fast food is not always the best option for moving day, especially if you are moving into a new area. By prepping food the day before moving day, you will be able to focus solely on moving and not trying to find a quality restaurant. There will be no struggle to find carryout phone numbers for a restaurant as well.

Charge Your Devices

It is almost inevitable that your charger and cord will get stowed away, out of reach. Then you are lost and on the last leg of your phone’s battery. Avoid this unfortunate scenario by charging your phone the night before and charging an extra battery pack to keep handy for your trip.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Avoid tight, cumbersome clothing on moving day. Wear clothing that is relaxed and loose-fitting so that traveling and unpacking will be easy.

Check Your Appointment

If you’ve set up an appointment with a removalist like Removalists Perth, double-check their arrival time so that you’re up and ready to let them in.

Pack Small Valuables

You might find it easier and safer to pack small valuables and memorabilia in a box or bag that will stay with you. There will be less chance of the important things getting left behind or stolen if they are with you.

Fill a Box With Cleaning Supplies

Just like with your overnight bag, you will want to prep a box with just cleaning supplies. This box will be kept at easy access so that upon arrival, you can clean anything that may need attention. Dust won’t be a problem. You can then begin to unpack boxes onto shelves and into closets without hastily wiping away or ignoring any issues.

Go to Bed at a Reasonable Time

Don’t stress yourself out by staying up late trying to get everything perfect for the next morning. Early to bed, early to rise! You will feel much more prepared if you get some sleep.