Fast Dissolving Melatonin Strips For Better Sleep Supplement Preorder Announced

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A Standord-trained doctor has introduced a fast and efficient way of delivering melatonin to the body, allowing the hormone to reach the brain as soon as the product is tasted.

A physician has introduced a new type of fast-acting melatonin-based sleeping supplement designed to induce restorative sleep quickly.

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Pop Supplements is a rapidly dissolving melatonin supplement that is capable of being absorbed by the brain as soon as it is placed on the tongue. According to its creator, one strip of Pop Supplements is enough to give a person a restful sleep.

Its active ingredient, melatonin, is a hormone used for a number of sleeping problems like insomnia. It may also help with other sleeping conditions like jet lag, delayed sleep, and sleep disorders caused by shifting work schedules.

One pack of 24 strips costs $15, while three packs can be purchased at a reduced price of $40. Customers who preorder will receive a 33% discount and free shipping.

Pop Supplements differs from other sleep supplements in that its alternative sublingual method ensures that less of the melatonin is metabolized or broken down in the liver, so it can quickly reach the brain.

The developer explained that in other sleeping aids, the supplement will have to travel by about 30 feet from the esophagus to the intestines, a process that could last for an hour among adults. Moreover, most melatonin is absorbed last in the intestines and the rectum.

“That’s a long time,” he said, adding that this route will result in the liver metabolizing 85% of the melatonin, which leaves only 15% for the body. Pop Supplements avoids this problem by bypassing the liver entirely.

Pop Supplements was developed by Dr. Matthew Hermann, a physician who developed the product after his experience working in a correctional facility at night. He said that because he was working during the day as well, he needed a way to sleep within shifts fast.

He said that he was inspired by the original sleeping aid he took and decided to create a better product.

Pop Supplements’s patrons will also be helping the doctor in his advocacy for 2020. Dr. Hermann said that a portion of the proceeds from the sales of Pop Supplements will be used to aid former inmates who have served time for non-violent crimes.

Full details about the product and the preorder can be found at the URL above.