The 4 Stages of Alcoholism for the Functioning Alcoholic

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( — November 21, 2020) — Getting addicted to alcohol may start by having just one or two drinks to relax and ease stress. Unfortunately, moderate drinking can develop into more severe problems, making it challenging to quit. Recognizing the signs of a functioning alcoholic can help identify if a person’s drinking has gotten out of control. Binge drinking, an increase in tolerance or physical changes are some of the elements signaling a problem.

Binge Drinking

One of the first signs of a functioning alcoholic is their desire to binge drink. Feeling the effects of alcohol and getting drunk are typically the main priorities for consuming alcohol during this first addiction stage. While a person in this stage may not drink every day, when they do consume alcohol, it’s an excessive amount. This can lead to a higher tolerance and vicious circle, which requires even more alcohol to get drunk.

Coping Mechanism

Alcoholics in the second stage of addiction consume alcohol to feel better. They’ll drink to celebrate a promotion or escape after a bad day at work or a disagreement with a loved one. Dealing with the emotions associated with positive or negative events is handled by drinking. During this stage, individuals close to them, such as a spouse, friend or coworker, will start to feel like there’s a problem. The alcoholic will make drinking the top priority and start consuming more alcohol than usual. Possible signs indicating there’s a problem can include the following:

– Hiding their drinking from others

– Drinking throughout the day

– Failing to follow drinking limits

– Reacting negatively when the problem is addressed

– Joking that they might have a problem

Consequences Begin to Show

During the third stage of alcohol addiction, a person’s drinking increases, leading to legal problems, like a DUI. Friends and family members will likely notice the increased drinking and bring it up with the alcoholic. This can lead to isolation as the alcoholic attempts to stay away from people who are questioning their drinking. Psychological changes and feelings of shame, stress or guilt can start to develop during this stage.

Physical Changes

Once an alcoholic gets to the fourth stage of addiction, underlying health problems can start to develop, such as high blood pressure or liver damage. According to AION Health, “symptoms won’t show until the liver has been extremely damaged.” Brain fog, fatigue and feeling irritated all the time may be the norm. During this stage, it’s common for an alcoholic to start their day with a drink. Doing so can help get rid of their shakes. Several physical repercussions can develop during this stage due to excessive drinking, which requires medications. At this point, an alcoholic relies on alcohol every day to function.

Even though alcoholics are still able to work at this stage physically, their performance will likely be affected by abusive drinking. Managing their lives will become more challenging and may make it difficult to hide their addiction from peers. If they continue this lifestyle, it will continue to cause physical harm and lead to more severe consequences. This is why AION Health states, “it’s vital that loved ones stay vigilant.”