Why Keywords Are STILL Essential To Digital Marketing Success

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(Newswire.net — November 24, 2020) — Digital marketing is a complex field. It involves many different tactics and techniques, and some businesses may hire dozens of employees just to manage their digital marketing efforts. While digital marketing is obviously nuanced, it still revolves around a relatively simple concept: keywords. Yes, though many have tried to insist that keywords are no longer relevant (or less relevant), they continue to have a huge impact on how businesses operate online. Here, we’ll explain why keywords still play an important role in marketing success in 2020 and beyond: 

Keywords Form the Foundation of On-Site SEO

Plain and simple, business websites need their most important pages to rank for vital keywords related to their brand. If your business has any interest in generating organic traffic, then you need to select appropriate keywords for professional site pages, and you need to take the time to optimize those keywords as well. This includes, but is not limited to, inserting keywords in titles, headers, meta descriptions, and alt-texts. Keep in mind that many online consumers don’t search for particular brand names, but rather for keywords related to products or services. So even businesses with strong brand names can’t rely on their brand alone to garner meaningful web traffic. 

Keywords are Vital to Effective Advertising

Not only do keywords affect practices like SEO, but they’re also crucial for professionals crafting digital ads. The success –– or lack thereof –– of many pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns relates directly to how professionals use keywords. Selecting the right keywords, identifying negative keywords, and experimenting with long-tail keywords are all practices that professionals must employ to improve their advertising performance. Whether a business is trying to promote a new type of 96 well plate or a specialized tennis shoe, keyword usage is vital to digital advertising success. 

Keyword Research Uncovers New Opportunities

The best companies always find new ways to market and advertise their products. They’re constantly on the lookout for new opportunities and demographics to explore. As such, it’s no surprise that they use keyword research to uncover new possibilities for their brand and their products. Some businesses choose to conduct keyword research on their closest competitors to see where they can expand in the future. Others monitor consumer behavior to discover new keyword opportunities for their brand. Either way, there are many benefits to searching for new keywords and reviewing old keyword strategies. 


While utilizing keywords effectively won’t guarantee marketing success, it’s difficult to build a successful marketing campaign without quality keyword research and implementation. So get this first step right in order to enable further marketing breakthroughs!