NANO Hearing Aids Is Becoming a Super Brand: Reviews

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( — November 25, 2020) — Seeing as the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the number of people who suffer from disabling hearing loss will increase to 900 million people by 2050, the need for effective, but affordable, hearing aids are ever-more necessary. 

Since the start of the company, reviews of Nano hearing aids have been mostly filled with approval. Seeing as hearing loss has debilitating effects on those who suffer from it, it is no surprise that Nano hearing aids are so popular. One primary barrier that tends to stand between those with hearing difficulties is the cost associated with accessing effective hearing aids. Nano combats that through the combination of state-of-the-art technology and prices which are not exorbitant. 

In order to ascertain how effective they have proven to be, we’ll have a look at what consumers have to say:

The Nano X2R 

This award-winning hearing aid is one of the most popular hearing aids produced by Nano – it’s rechargeable and also has technologically advanced features which outshines those found in most others. 

Reviews by clients indicate that most people agree that the features and sound quality are in line with those of much more expensive brands. Seeing as it’s rechargeable, it’s ideal for people who don’t feel like constantly having to change batteries. It charges fully in around about four hours, and in return you get more than 12 hours of power. 

The discreet product is comfortable to wear whilst helping them to hear better than they ever have before. To hear the sounds of nature or be able to communicate with people in a crowd is a luxury that Nano provides to many who couldn’t experience it before this hearing aid. 

The New Nano Sigma 

These wireless hearing aids can be managed using your smartphone and the Nano mobile app. Clients love that they can take hearing tests through the app and then adjust their hearing aids according to the results. Being able to do this is one click has endeared the model to many consumers. 

In accordance with all of Nano hearing aid models, the Nano Sigma is also tiny and discreet. According to their environment and sound frequencies, users can decide on the best settings. 

Once again, this hearing aid is praised for exceptional quality especially in relation to its price. One client remarked that her husband bought them as a temporary measure until lockdown was eased seeing as he was unable to repair his expensive ones. However, the ability to adjust sounds remotely means that he doesn’t plan on spending thousands of dollars on more expensive hearing aids ever again. Rather, he believes that the Nano Sigma is sufficient for his needs. 

The Nano SX2000 

Those who have bought the Nano SX2000 have remarked that it’s as effective as others they’ve used at a price five times more than the Nano SX2000. As with the other models, they’re small and discreet, but they also offer easy volume control and broad ranging frequency control for all environments, noise reduction functionality, and feedback control. 

Common words that materialise when consumers review the Nano SX2000 are “satisfaction,” “fabulous,” “great product,” and “excellent service and product.”

The Nano CIC

Nano also offers two hearing aid models which are entirely inside the canal (CIC) namely the Nano CIC Recharge and the Nano CIC Digital. People seem to adore the volume adjustments provided by the CIC models, as well as being able to cancel undesirable sounds. 

Overall impressions

The most prominent impression garnered from analysis of NANO Hearing Aids Reviews is that they are the best option considering their price and the quality that people experience – quality that they believe is equal to those of brands which charge significantly more. Their customer service has also gotten positive reviews with one woman claiming that that she received a very quick replacement after she had to return her own. 

There are other companies which offer affordable hearing aids which can be bought without having to get a hearing prescription from a hearing professional, but the Nano X2R has a distinct technological edge. Some of these companies include MDHearingAid and HearingAssist, and both offer behind-the-ear-models which are similar to the Nano X2R. 

The Nano X2R stands out, however, because it’s a discreet model which is rechargeable and provides 12 hours of use, and makes use of noise cancellation technology. The Nano X2R also features two directional microphones per device – this means that sound can be identified from all directions and with equal quality. Rare enough in itself, this feature is generally restricted to very expensive hearing aids. 

After consideration of numerous reviews of Nano hearing aids, it’s evident that it’s the first choice for clients who want to buy affordable, but effective hearing aids. It’s important to remember that there are many online hearing aid scams, so take care to purchase from reputable brands.