Minimalist Child Safe Smartphone With Call Text And Location Tracking Launched

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A Texas-based company introduces a new type of smartphone that comes only with kid-friendly communication and productivity tools coupled with security features.

Techless, a startup based in Austin, Texas, launches a new minimalist phone to provide a safe communication device for children. The innovative product called Wisephone™ is designed to eliminate the distractions and dangers of modern day smartphones.

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The latest announcement aims to minimize the addiction risk smartphones pose to children. The company’s latest launch presents a device that works with most cell service carriers, but without the potentially harmful content that other phones may offer.

Wisephone has the same call and text functions as standard mobile phones. It is also equipped with productivity tools and other useful features, including clock, calculator, weather, GPS navigation, and a camera. Techless is working on incorporating additional features as well, including premium themes, spam call blocking, notes, mobile hotspot, video chatting, and daily quotes.

As the company states, however, “The remarkable thing about this phone is not so much what it does but what it doesn’t do.” One of the device’s unique offerings is its ad-free environment, as it prohibits access to social media, gaming, and online videos. Children are also unable to view pornography and other types of adult-oriented content.

Data privacy is another strong suit for the device. Highly committed to security, Techless never shares subscriber information with third parties.

They complement these efforts with a handful of other safety features integrated to the Techless Family Portal. Through the web-based system, parents can readily check a log of all the calls and messages that the phone receives, as well as their location history.

Wisephone can be given to a child straight out of the box. It does not require any special set-ups or solutions to be child-safe. The device also does not rely on special filtering apps that children can override.

The founder, Chris Kaspar, remarks, “Despite the name, Techless isn’t anti-tech. They believe that technology is a gift that has much to offer the world. However, it is too easy for that gift to turn into an addiction or obsession. By choosing to establish healthy limits, smartphone technology can return to being the tool it was meant to be.”

Interested parties may learn more by clicking on the above link.