Structured Family Caregiving Program Compensation Plan Announced – Homenurse Inc

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A Griffin, GA healthcare company is announcing the establishment of its SFC department. Its mission is to empower families to be compensated for the homecare of their seniors and disabled.

HomeNurse, a healthcare company serving the estate of Georgia is announcing its new Structured Family Caregiving (SFC) Department. The Georgia State SFC Program Healthcare Option provides financial and professional services to those who care for senior or disabled family members at home. The goal of HomeNurse’s SFC Department is to assist eligible families with this provision.

More information may be found at

This announcement of the Structured Family Caregiving Department advises and assists residents with this statewide healthcare option. Family members caring for a senior or disabled person in their home are now eligible for financial compensation and professional healthcare services.

Eligibility requirements for the senior or disabled party must include functional impairment caused by a medical or physical condition. This condition must be diagnosed by a physician and include a recommendation for an intermediate nursing home facility.

Additionally, the senior or disabled individual and the caretaker must reside in the same household. The senior or disabled party must also be Georgia Medicaid-eligible and participate under the CCSP or SOURCE waiver program.

The SFC program provides caregivers with direct access to clinical expertise, professional healthcare teams, and ongoing healthcare training. A family member is also financially compensated for their care. A relation may be by blood or marriage, and as of April 2020, spouses are now eligible.

Services that are eligible for payment are housekeeping, personal hygiene, including bathing and dressing, meal preparation, and feeding. Other compensated tasks include managing appointments and medications, and all other functions that increase the quality of life and safety for the senior or disabled party.

HomeNurse is one of the largest and most trusted Medicaid providers in Georgia and was founded on one single mission: provide high-quality healthcare, regardless of economic status.

A company spokesman said, “We provide our clients with peace of mind when it comes to caring at home. At HomeNurse, we aim to deliver our clients the care they need in an environment that is both comfortable and convenient, their own home.”

HomeNurse provides interested parties with details of all Medicaid and Georgia State healthcare programs. These include the Structured Family Caregiving Program, Community Care Services Program Waiver, Area Agencies on Aging, and many others.

HomeNurse’s announcement is designed to inform Griffin residents of the new options available for them as they care for a senior or disabled loved one at home.

For further information see