Freelance For Me Training Courses For Freelancers Best Certifications Launched

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Freelance for Me – a Freelance U Partner based in Stone Ridge VA announces their easy-to-use and track, and fully mobile learning platform. Creates the skills to run a successful freelance business.

Freelance for Me – a Freelance University Partner based in Stone Ridge VA announces its certifications and courses for freelancers who wish to enhance their skills and maximize their income. They have trained over 16000 virtual professionals in over 75 countries.

For more information visit their website at

With the latest announcement the organization aims to help students develop skills that are valued in industries, and to create a profitable and flexible business from the ground up. They help their students to find the most lucrative service and specialization. Their instructors, mentors, and peers are always available.

On joining the Freelance University monthly or annual tuition plan, students can get instant access to 80+ valuable certifications and workshops. Students are connected with eight talented mentors who are ready to answer questions and provide direction.

Freelance University offers skill-based courses that are designed to help students earn a potential income from home. They provide certifications that are industry-leading and that are specialized in areas such as Digital Marketing, Podcast Production, Project Management, Word Press, and more.

The community of like-minded people at Freelance University have created a Facebook group that is conducive for growth and learning. Students can set up a professional profile in the Freelance University Directory and be seen by an ever-expanding base of clients who are searching for skilled professionals.

Freelance University offers three semesters of courses, certifications, and workshops that have been designed to help students find the insights required to create a profitable business. The set of courses and programs each semester is based on an on-going survey and inputs from students. Each new semester contains one core course, one new certification, and four interactive workshops which adds up to 18 components in one year.

Having partnered with the 3rd party accreditation company,, Freelance University can deliver digital certificates that can be easily integrated with the student’s LinkedIn profile, personal and social media websites. Every month they offer live and interactive 90-minute workshops based on freelance and business relevant topics.

Freelance University offers tutorials in software technology and apps that are relevant to the freelancing business. The tutorials cover topics such as social media management tools, project management, and eCommerce tools, marketing landing page tools, and productivity tools.

For more information visit their website given above. Get Excited for our classes starting in January 2021! We’ll see you there!